Nashville Tenn. March the 17th 1863. Dear Father your kind letter of the 8th Inst. is received & we were glad to hear from home once more. we are both well & in good spirits. the health of the Regt is verry good at the present time. we have not moved our camp Since my last letter. the weather is verry fine here now. Alexander received a letter from Thomas Bussell. night before last informing me of his Discharge from the Service. Alexander has been promoted to Corporal with the pay of $20. doll per month. we have not been paid yet but we have the promise of it this weekend had a letter from John last week. & answered it as Soon as received Oscar [illegible] who is in the 23 Mich. is here to stay he is well his Regt is at Bowling-Green. the war appears to hang on well & I have made up my mind to stay my three years out. but as much as I would like to see home I do not wish a comnpromise with traitors in Armes against the Government. I wish to See the Stars & Stripes floating over our now distracted country. once more. I Should like to be to home to help along with the work but you must do the best you can & we will help you by sending our pay home as Soon as we get it. have James & George write to us occasionly to let us know how they get along every thing appears to be quiet in the army here now. I heard Parson [illegible] make a speech in Nashville last winter him and Gov. Johnson have a good deal of influence in Tenn. if there were more union men like them it would be better for the Nation but I have nothing more to write at present write as Soon as convenient give my best respects to all from your son Allen Campbell Nashville Tenn March 17th 1863 Dear Father I will add a few lines to Allen letter although I have nothing special to write. I am well at present and was very glad to hear that you and the boys were well you will see that we are at Nashville yet and by the appearance of things not likely to move very soon we are not doing anything at present except that we drill about Four hours every day. The weather here is very warm and pleasant much like the weather in Michigan in the month of may. this is a fine climate and I think far preferable to that of the northern states. add to this a naturally productive and fertile soil besides many natural advantages & what does Tenessee need but [bring?] white labor to make it one of the first states in the Union but that curse of our country negro slavry is [illegible] seen in some of the worst forms and renders all the good [illegible] of God to this country of only secondary account. the white inhabitants are much inferior to the general [run?] of our citizens in the western states and as a general [thing?] very ignorant. we hear by the papers that there is considerable resistance to the draft in parts of the north and that they have had quite a serious riot in Detroit resulting from the excitement on the [negro?] [illegible] and that they had to call in the military to put down the disturbance. Such a state of things is disgraceful in a law abiding community in a time like this when the country should have the support of all the people in the loyal states. we have heard a good deal lately about the copperheads in the north and they meet with rather a poor reception in the army. the army is loyal to a fault and treasonable sentencing and practices meet with its just condemnation. I hope the remaining loyal men of the northern States will help us to crush this rebellion by giving their support to the government in this its time of need. it is time the army in the field knew if it is to be supported by the men that are left in the north. if we are not the sooner we know it the better. than we will know how to remedy the evil and I doubt not will act accordingly but we call you our friends at home to crush the copperhead factions in the north and fight against treason there the same as if they were in 'Dixie' if the north can but be united and support the efforts of the administration to put down this rebellion we may hope once again to see the old Stripes and stars floating over a united and prosperous nation if not the result is doubtful write soon and direct as before Ever Yours Alex Campbell excuse bad writing on account of haste