Co F, First Mich. Engineers & Mechanics. Camp Sec 49, NW RR Jan 10th 1864 Dear Brother I recieved your letter last night and hasten to reply. I was glad to hear that you received our money all right as I was getting somewhat anxious to hear from it as it had been on the road a long time. I was also happy to hear that you were all well and I hope that you may enjoy a full share of that greatest of earthly blessings But what is it you say about John and his wife can it be that you can not get along together or what has happened to cause Delia to go home to her Fathers, I had hoped that you now could get along well and be happy and contented with your lot and future prospects. you intimate that probably I have heard all about it: I assure you that I have not: your letter was the first into- -mation that I have had that there was any thing wrong: Sew when you write to me again let me know the truth of the matter without scruple as I much desire to know what could have caused such an estrangement among you Poor Dealia I am afraid it will be a sad blow to her, and so soon after marriage too it is really too bad. but I will say no more till I have learned the truth of the matter: And now I have a word to say to you you are yet young. but your educati- on is sadly neglected: I hope you will try to improve your time to the best advantage you did not tell me if you were going to School or not. but I hope you are: you must really try and improve your writing and also spelling. If you lack means let me know and I will supply you with anything you may want: Take my advice: I have your interest much at heart and I surely will advise you for the best: Use your best endeavors to gain a good education: If you succeed in this your success in life is almost certain the weather here has been very cold since the Thirty First of December.. the mercury has been as low as Seven Degrees below Zero the Sleighing has been good here for over a week. I call that pretty good for the "Sunny South." I suppose it is cold enough to freeze a person now in Michigan Now write as soon as you get this and write a good long letter. Give my respects to all Ever Yours Alex