Hd Qrs. 1st Mich. Engrs. MechS. Near Savannah. Ga. Dec. 18th 1864 Dear Father. I take the present opportunity to write you a few lines to let you know that we are both well. and that we have been traveling. Since I wrote to you before. we left Atlanta. Nov 16th after burning Every thing that would burn, and blowing up Every thing that would not.. the Army moved in four colums. the 15th Corps having the right. the 17th corps the right center. the 20th corps the left center and the 14th corps the Left. our Regt started with the 14th corps but we shifted from that to the 20th and from the 20th to the 17th and from the 17th to the 15th So we have changed from the Left to the right wing. we marched from Atlanta on the Augusta Rl. Road as far as Covington. then we left the Rl. Rd. and marched direct for Milledgeville. which we reached without opposition. Milledgeville is a sort of one horse town. but I think it looked worse when we left it. than it did when we went there. from Milledgeville we marched for the Macon and Savannah Rl. Rd. Striking it at a Small town called Davisboro. we have marched near the Rail Road. Since then. when we were about 15 miles from Savannah we began to find the Rebels. who amused themselves by chopping trees and otherwise obstructing the road. sometimes putting torpedoes in the Sand. So as to blow up the cavalry. about Four Miles from Savannah we found the rebel breastworks. we have been working around them three or four days. our forces have captured Fort McAllister. and opened communications with the fleet. we Expect to take the city in a few days.. Some of the troops have received mail but our Regt has not received any as yet. The Army has destroyed an immense amount of property on this march the air being filled with Smoke from the burning cotton. we found abundance of Everything plenty of corn Sweet potatoes. hogs. Sheep. cattle. poultry. Horses Mules etc. etc. it is a dark time for Georgia and long will She remember the time. when Shermans Eighty Thousand men marched. through 300. miles of the finest portion of the south. but they have Sown. on the wind and now they reap of the whirlwind. I was detailed at Atlanta to Stay behind after the. Regt left and fire the camp and surrounding buildings most of the people left their houses without Saying a word for they heard the cry of Chambersburg and they knew it would be useless to contend with the soldiers. but as I was about to fire one place a little girl about ten years old came to me and Said, Mr Soldier you would not burn our house would you. if you do where are we going to live. and She looked into my face with Such a pleading look. that I could not have the heart to fire the place So I dropped the torch and walked away. but chambersburg, is dearly paid for. The rebels shelled our Regiment the other day killing one man and wounding another. The Regt were at work. building a dam across the canal. whiche the rebels had cut intending to drownd us out. I went out forageing one day and came verry near being captured. but I had a good horse and the way I went through the cypress Swamps was not Slow I can ssure you. . The Regt is at work making lightning rods of the rebel Rl Road [illegible]. Alex will write as Soon as he has time. Direct to the 1st Regt. Mich. Enges Mechs. Near Savannah. Ga. write as. soon as you receive this. From your Son. Allen. Campbell. QM. Sergt 1st. M.E. [The?]