Washington February 1861 Dear Janie I daresay you think I am about to pay you in your own coin and not write for some months, but not so I had really forgotten it had been so long seen I received your letter it is more than amonth_ I heard from Aunt Jane last week she told me all were well. I am sorry she had not received my letter as I think it must have made her think hard of me for not writing. Willy writes he is with you for the present I do hope as the spring opens he will be able to do something to promote his desires to be a farmer, dear me why are we poor? I would love to help him along for then my poor Anna might have a home if I was Alladin not with his wonderful lamp would I ^ rub up wonders? for instances you and I would have a fine husband a piece and me a beautiful baby boy, but I would not impose one on you for you might not like it as well as myself being I am baby crazy and how can I help it? Johnnie is so sweet_ Aunt Annie was here to day with Arthur all there are well Aunt Eliza Uncle James' and babies are well_ I was with Brother John and Mary yester- day they are both well. Jimmie is only tolerable Jennie is not at all well she has a bad cough Mrs Dent is at present suffering with a head ache Johnnie is a sleep so quiet for the. present . Aunt Hannah about a gain after a tedious spell_ [Katy?] Barclay has been out now I have told you how all are of the Barlcays I suppose you hear frequently You should be here now if you like soldiers for the city. has them all around about so many blue coats I have scarcely ever seen, but after all I fear nothing for our city, but our country I hardly know what to expect or what to hope for, but it will be for the best Uncle Charley says what is to be, will be" give my very best love to Uncle Charly tell him that he must make some real Union speeches for we want them badly_ My love also to my other Uncles also to all my Aunts & cousins as to [illegible] I suppose she does not intend writing any more so just tell her she ought not to treat cousin Janie so badly_ I spent last night at the Barclays Janie is still at school Annie the same as ever Johnnie is just getting well he had very a ^ sick spell. Mary is well but looks extreme ly delicate_ I will send this to Willy in his so I will refer you to him for further news do write soon I should like to hear of the Allens I never hear a word from them Goodbye your affectionate cousin Janie Miss Janie B Cathcart Laporte Indiana [Written sideways on top of Scan 4] Dear Little Henry Little did I say? well excuse me I forget you must have grown much but Cousin Janie is excusable as she is so old & big. I hope you are a good boy you ought to be to help Dear Father and Mother to feel the lost of your two dear brothers less Tis a double reason to be a comfort to them should now spur you on and I hope you do try_ How do you get on with your music? do you play much now? I suppose you have fine sleighing & snowballing I would love to have one nice ride_ Love to Jimmie tell him I hope Willy & he are good friends Goodbye Janie [Written upside down on bottom of Scan 4] I suppose the President Elect will be here next week so we will have fine times the Inaugral Ball and all, yes fine doings to begin with All I hope is the Star Spangled Banner will long wave over our Glorious Union [End] [Written on the side of the above] Hurrah to the Union & Liberty_ [End]