Livingston Co Mo Dec / 63 Dear Janie I have not written to you for a long time, but you must not think that I have forgotten your kind letter_ no indeed Janie but I have had my fall sewing to do, and have not had the benefit of your sewing machine, as I had last fall_ Well Janie another year has passed; and none of you have been to see me, I did think when I left you last fall that I surely would see some of you in less than a year, Well I hope some of you will get to Missouri next year _ _ Christmas is almost here, and the little ones are already [crossed out] [making] wondering what Kriss Kringle will put in their stockings, John says he does wish he could go to Aunt Josephine's he thinks they will have a christmas tree, you wrote to us that you had one last year, and he has not forgotten it,_ I hope you will all have a merry time, I would like so much to spend the hollidays with you [crossed out] [so much] we have had a very pleasant fall, indeed it has been too dry, we have had but little rain in the last nine months the crops were very poor, water has been very scarce, we all depend on cistern wells so our wells have been dry a good portion of the summer. [illegible] has hauled water 2 or 3 miles, so you may know I had to be very saving of that article, did not use much in the way of washing and scouring Our folks here are all well now. Nans eyes still trouble her some [Doct?] has given up the idea of going to Philadelphia to attend lectures my opinion is that he intends to commence a course of Curtain lecture instead of medical, soon, they are all mighty busy over that way, as the children say, there must be something up, I think it is time some of the family would get married, if they ever intend to, our little John says he dont know what it is to get married he . wishes some person would get married so he could see them, he says tell Janie he would like to go to your. house now, and stay till after new years, and little Jimmy says he would like to go too, they talk a great deal about all of your family and Aunt Martha's they want me to ask you how little Walter Allen is and if he is growing fast. our boys have grown very much the last year Johnny looks delicate but he has grown taller, Jimmy is fat and hearty, he can scarcely wear the little pants your Ma gave him _ _ Janie you say that Janie Peabody was in St Louis, was she teaching there? you spoke too of Libbie Newkirk having been gone some time you must tell me where she has been so long, and you must tell me how your Aunt Jane is getting along remem ber me to her, do his sisters still live with them_ Tell [Hat?] Ella & Mary that I want them all to write to me, though I have not forgotten that I owe them letters, but they dont have to make, mend, wash, iron and cook for a whole family_ let me hear from you soon give my love to Father, Mother, brothers and the new sister and keep a good share your_self Mary [J Gish?]