Head Quarters 18th Reg,t [crossed out] [Cap] Camp Near Corinth Oct 13th /62 Dear Wife Again I Sit down to write you a few lines to inform you of my where abouts and to let you know that I am in Tolerable good health at present; I wrote a few lines to you on the 9th while we was on the march but I did not have time or paper to write mutch of a letter; I Supose that you have heard in the papers Sometime ago about the Battle at Corinth on the 4th of this month or Rather the 3rd & 4th Well I will tell you Something about it; On the 1st day of Oct our Reg was ordered out to a little Town called Charvalla Ten miles west of Corinth on the RailRoad; for the purpose of Guarding Some Bridges to prevent a Surprise by the Rebels as we was looking for an attack on Corinth by them, On the 3rd day Our advance guards Consisting of Our Reg the 14th & 17th Wis and the 15th Michigan was Driven in by the whole Rebel force, our forces making an Occasional Stand and firing a few Volleys into them and again Retreat; about 2 Oclock our Reg had Retreated in to our Camp; they got a hasty dinner and again went out to Battle; by this time a considerable force of our men was coming out from Corint to help check the advance of the Rebels; Our Regt was this time Sent out to find the position of the Rebels but we was informed by Gen Mc Arthur that there was a Division of our men [crossed out] [illegible in original] between us and the Rebels. I do not know whether McArthur was mistaken or whether he told us So to keep us from being afraid So we marched up within fifty yards of the Rebels; (it being in thick woods) before our men Saw them, and that was with a heavy volley of Musketry in the midst of our Ranks which was instantly Returned by our men and then laid down flat on the ground and loaded and fired [crossed out] [illegible in original] as fast as they could for about ten minutes; when being overpowered Oct 14th 1862 to largely Superior numbers we had ^ fall back which was done quite Rapidly for about two hundred yards; it was in this fight that William Downie and Robt, Graham was wounded; Downie was Shot in the left Shoulder and Grahan in the Right neither of them con- Sidered dangerous; they will Both Start north tomorrow they will perhaps go home . The Next day the 4th we was not immediately [crossed out] [illegible in original] in the Engagement Our Division was Detailed to Support two forts we lay down on our faces and Seen part of the performance but the forts that we Suported kept the Rebels back without our assistance; but Balls whistled quite Rapidly over our heads; the Sound was anything but Musical; though none of us was hurt; It was at the forts on our Right or Northwest part of Town that the Rebels made the most Desperate Charge Though Desperate it was but they were Repulsed at every attempt with with Heavy loss [crossed out] [es]; we was in Sight of one of our forts that the Rebels charged upon Three times and and took it Each time; but our Infantry Each time in turn Rallied and took it Back at the point of the Bayonet; So they did not have time to fire any of our cannon. I do not have any Idea how many was Killed and wounded on Either Side; The Rebels was laying dead thick over the ground where they charged upon our forts; Our Gunners loaded the Guns with Double charges of grape and canister which fairly mowed them down at Short Range the Opinion is that the Sesh lost five men to our one. I did not have a chance to pass over mutch of the Battle field after the fight as we Started after the Retreating Rebels the next morning before daylight we followed the Rebels three days we picked up quite a number of Straglers and [crossed out] [illegible in original] captured part of their Rear guard and and Nearly all their Trains and Artillery by the time we got to Ripley 45 miles distant we had them So scattered that it was useless to follow them further Thos.J.Davis L.M.Davis