/62 Holley Springs Mississippi Dec, 24th Dear Lucinda I once again Sit down to write you a few lines to let you know that I am as well as usual we are now at Holley Springs we came here day before yesterday; we went down ten miles below Oxford about forty miles South of here and [crossed out] [illegible] a force of the Rebels come around behind us and took this place last Saturday and Burnt up all the Government Stores that was here and Burnt the houses they were in and Blew up our Magazine and in the fray Burnt considerable property Belonging to Citizens they took about a thousand of our men here and paroled them Old man Moody was here and was paroled with the Rest, the [crossed out] [y] Rebels knew there was not many members So they made a dash and paroled our men Burnt the Supplies and Tore up a portion of the Rail Road and left again the Same day for fear they would get into a trap the Railroad is also Obstructed up Near Bolivar by Braggs forces so we have had no Mail for Nearly a week The Rebels captured two mails the last letter I Rec,d from you was dated Dec 1st I got it about two weeks ago I think it is likely the Sesh had Spiked Some of my letters I have not had a chance to Send out a letter Since the foray until this after noon; I am on Detale to day husking corn in a Mill Here; So you see we [crossed out] [illegible]will get Some [corn?] Dodger I have not mutch time to write to day and the Mail will Start out in a few minutes we have not had any news in So long a time that dont know what is going on in Virginia or any place Else; We have not been paid off yet perhaps we will will get it when the War is over, if Ever this is the nicest winter weather I have Ever seen no Snow and about Enough Rain to keep the Roads from getting Dusty and warm enough in the daytime to go in our Shirt Sleeves you must Excuse this Short letter I will write more in my Next; we have a Report that Richmond is taken but I dont Believe it yet but hope it may be So Direct your letters to Cairo Ills, and they will follow the Reg,t write Soon; dont mail any more letter at Bergen if you can help it, Yours Thos.J.Davis Lucinda.M.Davis