On Board the Steamer Maria Denning Memphis Tenn Jany 20th 1863 Dear Lucinda I Recd [crossed out] [Two] Two letters from you last night and was verry glad to hear from you I had not had a letter from you for over two weeks one of your letters was dated Dec, 31st and the Jany 11th they found me as well as usual Except that I am troubled Some with Rheumatism I was glad [crossed out] [that] to hear that you and the little one was well and I hope you may Remain So until I get home if I am permitted to be lucky Enough to do so I wrote you a letter four days ago and Sent my likeness and ten Dollars [crossed out] [I] in it we was paid two months wages about a week ago there is over four months yet behind we are now on board a Boat lying at the wharf Ready to Start down the River I think we are going down to the mouth of Arkansas River and then turn and go up white River for the present we have been [crossed out] [illegible] on the Boat two days and it may be a day or two longer before we Start . I hope we will soon get through for we are to mutch crowded that it makes it verry Disagreeable; what do you think when I tell you there is Three Reg,ts of Inf,ty one Battery of Artillery with all their horses and over fifty Mules and the wagons Belonging [crossed out] [illegible] to them beside all our provisions and other freight on Board of this Boat; there is not room for us all to ly down at once we are Stowed in like cattle in a car Calvin Hagerman is here he come down from Cincinati a few days ago he was left Back there Sick he is going down with our fleet to Rejoin his company the [illegible] Battery is up white River in Arkansas I may get to see Jabe [Cal?] is getting quite Stout again glad he Seemed quite ^ to Run across Some of the Old Badax Boys, It has been Raining considerable for two days past and the Snow has about all melted off but the air is raw and cold and the river is Rising yet Ben; Greenman is Discharged, Ed, Crandall is well and Hearty Alvin Caulkins Rec,d a letter from Mary last night She said the folks was well She Said She had Just got a letter from you you need not Send any more paper only what there is writing on; for I can manage to get what Blank paper I want: I wrote on that Ledger Just for fun I had other paper you must Excuse this writing for I am laying on my Belly in a Bunk and it is so dark that I can hardly see the lines; it is a poor place to write but I thought I would Scratch you a few lines before I left here I heard that the 25th. Wis. had passed here and gone South but I have heard since that it is a mistake and that they are in Madison yet I hope this cursed war will end for it Seems that the Soldiers are Suffering Hardships Exposure Sickness and death and but little good is accomplished by it And their Services but little appreciated And but little prospect in furture or gaining mutch credit for what they have done; well I must close for this time you must not think I have the Blues for I never get them I will Send you a Specimen of Sesesh money I will write again as soon as we get in camp Direct your letters as you did last; Good Bye Thos. J.Davis Lucie. H.Davis