Bloomington Feb 15th 1863 Dear Brother I am Ashamed two write to you I have waited So long but you must forgive me for my negligents and I will try to do better next time I received a letter from you before I left Marshall and ment to of Answerd it befour I left Mich I have had a good deal of sickness this winter but I will not make aney more excuses I am agoing to do better now and want you to write just as Soon as you get this and let us know how you are and all the war news it looks very dark hear now but you know the old Saying darkest befour day and we hope it is most day well I hear you have a little Daughter and Suspose you feel very proud and would be prouder if you could be with it well I hope it will not be long befour you can come home two your fameley and all the rest of the poor fellows what do thay think of the war down whare you are we heare thare is more men called for. I am loosing faith I beleive, I try not to loose all. but we have so maney Rebbels hear two the north to deal wtih thare worse then the Southern Rebbels for thare we do not look for [aney?] better then Rebbels but hear you no not whare to look for them and thay are in our midest Sister Harriet has gone home She was out to [illegible] untill Dec. She has been very Sick [Scence?] she came home thay did not expect her to live for a week ore two. we expect to move back to Marshall about May, we do not like hear at all Amos says he shall not Stay hear another winter and it is the worst place to get houses i ever See we rent a house we pay [9?] nine dol, per month and it is a miserable place and have got to move the firs of [Apr?] from that for the man that owns it wonts it him Self So I wont to go back two Marshall we have a house of our own thare and are not drove around hunting [house?] evry two ore three months I have not heard from Lucinda Scence Harriet left I suspose I Shall not hear from her very often now She has got a baby two take up her time do you ever hear from Jabez if you do write and let me know I have not heard from him in a grate while well please write Soon from your Sister Susan Wilson direct to Amos Wilson Bloomington Ill Chicago, Alton, St. Louis, R.R.