[Written upside down on top of Scan 1] I will Send you Some flowers and a little Peach as a curiosity from old tennesee [End] Pittsburgh Landing Tennessee April 22nd 1862 Dear Wife I Received your letter last week and was glad to hear from you again and to hear that you was well I am in tolerable good health at this time I have [crossed out] [illegible] nearly got over my cold which troubled me for Sometime I would have Answered you letter before this but I Just Started a letter to you a few days before I Rec,d yours we are still here at Pittsburg landing and I dont know how long we will Remain here perhaps Sometime as our Reg,t has been pretty Badly cut up I think we will be held back for a Reserve for Sometime as we was put un in the advance in this fight we may not be taken into another fight at all if [crossed out] [we] our forces get them licked out Soon; uncle Sam has a verry large force Stationed here. I have not heard anything from Jabez Since I come here only I Seen a member of the 3rd Wis Battery. who Said that they left Fosters Battery at Louisville and that they was going to Lexington K.Y. to Exchange for larger Guns he Said that Foster was going get 20 pounder Guns, you wrote Sometime a go; to Know where you Should live while Mr. Burnett went to Ills Perhaps you could Suit yourself Better than I could tell you; So you get a good place you Said you hoped I would not feel bad about what you wrote to me I do not feel bad about it [crossed out] [illegible] if you can take good care of yourself; I think that we will all get home before colder weather comes again you wrote for me to keep up good Spirits you need not get uneasy about about me getting discouraged for I thought of all this Before hand I will not allow myself to think of getting homesick I hope you may Still continue to forbear with my absence and plase dont tease me to come home which I dont Believe you will; there was a letter come here yesterday for Sam Mc Micheal Burnett and I opened it it was from Julia we thougt[crossed out][illegible]ht if ther was anything Special [crossed out][in it] or valuable in it we would Send it Back She wrote as though She was about discoraged and wished for Sam at home again; I Really felt Sorry for her you and Mrs Burnett must talk incourgeing to her Sam is a prisoner of war in the hands of the Rebels I hope She will not trouble herself too mutch about I think he will used be well ^ and will be Exchanged Back [crossed out] [their] for some of [crossed out] [our] their men that is in our hands as Soon as our Officers can arange the matter Julia Mc wrote you had a hard Snow Storm the 7th 8th of April [crossed out] [she] with a foot of Snow I have not Seen any Snow or frost Since I left St Louis; I Shall try to write to you every week and I would like for you to do the Same. I found quite number of old acquaintence in Several of the Illinois Regiments that are here you Said Mary [illegible] wanted me to write what kind of a Soldier Ike made he come through the Battle all right and Said he knew that he killed one Sesesh that tried to make a charge on him Direct your letters to St Louis as you did before and they will come all right no more this time So good Bye Write soon Thos. J. Davis To Lucinda M Davis