(1863 Camp Near Vicksburg June 29th Dear Wife I Sit down this morning to write you a few lines to inform you that I am as well as usual and hope this may find you well; I have not had a letter from you Since I wrote before, but will look for one in a day or two; Jabe was quite Sick night before last but considerable better yesterday I am going down to the Battery as Soon as I get through writing to See him the rest of the boys I believe are as well as usual I got a letter from Susan Wilson the other day I will Send it to you it is not a verry long one and does not contain mutch news ;I have not had a letter from Sarah for a long time we are Still at our old camp yet and our forces are Shelling away at vicksburg every day as usual; it is thought that the Garrison cannot hold out rebel mutch longer; there was two ^ mails intercepted a few days ago one going in and the other coming out of Vicksburg, The one going in was from Jo; Johson which Stated to Pemberton that he; Pemberton; must do his own fighting as it woud be impossible for him Johnson to help him: in the mail going out there was Several letters from Rebel Officers Catains; Col,s and Generals Some of which Stated [crossed out] [they were] their Supply of meal was Exhausted and they had to live on meat and beans; [crossed out] [and] these letters were Sent to their families and and Several of them Said they Expected Soon to take a trip up North; as they would Soon be compelled to Surrender but though they would soon be exchanged again; then they would come [crossed out] [hope] home and See the folks; I hope they may Soon take the Notion to give it up fore we have had quite a long Siege of it; in [crossed out] [our] my other letter I Stated that we would Soon get two months pay but I think we will not get any pay till Sometime in next month and then get four months pay Write Soon and Often and write the news Yours Always T.J. Davis L M.Davis I will Send you Some verses that Susan Sent me I went Out Black berrying yesterday and got all the nice ripe Blackberries I could eat and Sold 1,65,cts worth besides and got my hands pretty well Scratched up to boot I Sent Susan Some verses and I Sent the Same ones to you but you did not Say you ever got them T.J.Davis