Vicksburg July 11th 63 3rd Epistle Capt James Burnett was Killed while his Reg,t was Supporting ours on the left at the Battle of Bakers Creek or Champion hill he was not more than a hundred yards from me when he was Killed but I did not see him nor hear of his death till the next day; Capt Rogers of McAlisters Battery was Killed Just at our left on the line of our forts in front of vicksburg; a Surgeon of the 17th Ills was Killed about the Same time & and at the Same place; he lived in Monmouth; We have Seen verry hard Service for the past two months I have not Slept in our Tents since the 26th of April; but we have got our tents now and we will put them up in a day or two; After Port Hudson has fallen in our hands we will have the Entire control of the Missippi River and [crossed out] [a] effectually cut off Rebel Supplies from Arkansas Louisiana and Texas which is now a material item to them; If the Army of the Potomac could Succeed in giving Lees Army a good cleaning out I think the Rebels would begin to think their day of Grace was about passed; I was glad to hear from Mother I will write to her Soon; Cousin Jack [illegible] is Cap,t in the 59th Ohio Regt I Saw John Trannum the other day [crossed out] [day] he is in the 16th Iowa Harris Trannum got away from the Rebels in Texas last fall and come through to Cairo and Joined the 87th Ills Reg,t he is here but I have not Seen him: I have not had a letter from William Since I wrote to Isaac I Recd a note from the post master at Memphis the other day Stating there was a letter stoped there at the office for the postage and said if I would send him three cents he would forward it to me; I think it is from will for he has franked several letters to me and the post master had no Busines to Stop it You Say you do not know what a Copper head; is; from what you wrote I thought you did; in my other letter I told you what Copperhead were or what I understand them to be; I think think you have been Swallowing Some polittical arguments that you did not under stand for I See you like many others are too Ready to call Everybody Abolitionist that are not Strictly Democrat: Men that are Loyal both Democrat and Republican I make no Distinction between then I Respect and honor them both alike I am not an abolitionist; neither am I a copperhead, but as the [illegible] Rebellion has gone as far as it has; I am Strictly a Proclimation man And that is Whats the Matter; If pollitical parties understood Each other better there would not not be So mutch conten tion between people that had a Disposition to do right; perhaps I will tire your patience with what I have written So I will close tell George I would like to hear from him Give my Best Respects [illegible] and Well wishes to all my friend I Remain Yours Truly as ever Thos. J. Davis George W. & Elisabeth Ditto Direct to Vicksburg Miss