Co; C 18th Reg; Wis; Vols Vicksburg Miss July 13th 1863 Dear Lucinda I will while away a few Leisure minutes this afternoon in writing a Short Epistle to you in answer to your letter dated July 1st which I Recd last night; I was glad to hear that you was well I am as well as usual we had a nice Shower of rain last night and the wether is cool and cloudy to day we have got our tents again last night was the first time we slept in them since the 26th of April though we have not suffered for the want of them Robert got a letter from his wife last night dated the 28th of June for three or four weeks past your letters have come ahead of Mrs Mcs but before that hers were generally several days ahead of yours All the Paroled Rebel Prisoners were passed throurgh our lines yesterday and [illegible] day before the whole number of prisoners that we took here was 31,800 So our officers say; they made quite a long string at any rate this is Sesesh paper it is not verry good but Still I can write on it so it can be read if you [illegible] do not under take to read too [illegible] Rapidly I bought ten quire of a Sesesh prisoner for a dollar articles are verry dear among the con federates I will give you some of their prices as their soldiers tell me __________ Such paper as this 2.50 to $3. Dolls per quire Army Butternut pants $9,common Stoga Shoes $8,Dollars common watches $50 to 60 Dollars; worth from ten to twelve Dollars in the North Sign I Saw a Sesesh Barbers Shop ^ here in town which Read; Shaving 50, cts Shampooning $1,00 Hair cutting $100 ; a Soldier told me that Before vicksburg Surrendered he paid $5,00 for a Beefs Liver but the Others are common prices Corn is worth from two to four Dolla per Bushel Wheat four to Six Coffee and Tea is Scarcely known in the confederacy; and many other Articles that we use in the North are not to be had in Dixie Several Soldiers told me that they never Saw any white Beans until they saw them in our camp I have Several letters to answer to day So I have not time to write you a long letter to day; I will Send you a letter from Elisabeth She promised to write to you last Summer but has neglected it; and I give her fits for lying so mutch about it ; I saw Levi Noble yester day he Said Jabe was sent North the day before he Said Jabe was getting well verry Rapidly befor he Started he will perhaps go to Memphis until he is thouroughly Recruited up Fosters Battery has gone out on Black River Alvin Caukins leg is about well again it is not healed up but he is not lame I will close for this time Write often and give the news Direct your letter to Vicksburg I Remain Yours Ever Truly Faithful Thos. Jeff. Davis Lucie. M. Davis I woud like verry mutch to have your likeness if you can get it taken conveniently I think I Shall get mine taken again Shortly T.J. Davis