[crossed out] [September] 31 1863 October Dear Brother I will now endeavor to write you a few lines after So long I recieved your letter a week a go and I took a pain in my left eye that Same night and it Swelled up so by the next morning that I could not open it at all and in about three days it broke in the corner of my eye and it dont pain So bad but it is very Sore yet this is the first thing that I have tried to do Since and it is a poor do at that for I have to guess I had such a time last winter with my eyes I thought that I would get them cured up this Sumer but I failed in the [opperation?] I paid 20 dollars to an eye doctor to cure them but it was no cure I got a letter from Will the day before I got yours he was at Chatanooga he was not in the fight there he got there after the battle was over you spoke about my not writing to your wife I had intended to write to her once a year ago but there was always Some thing in the way one thing is that my eyes is Sore more or less all the time and writing is one of the worst things that I can do and I am a poor writer and a Slow one too but I intend to write one Some times or send it without writing one thats So well [illegible] my eyes is giving out and I must come to a close for I want to write to Will in a day or So any how I dont know anything new or interesting to write the connection is all with exception of Some of John Masons folks I heard some of them was Sick but I dont know which of them it was it commenced raining yesterday morning and it rained all day and was raining when I went to bed and this morning there was a good Slaying Snow it is now eleven oclock and the Snow has not melted any yet there was one Snow about a week a go about as deep as this one that is about two inches I forget whether I told you about the frost we had in August or not there was a frost on the night of the 22 of August that just swept every thing clean no more at present but rem ain yours as ever Elisabeth Ditto to Thomas J Davis