Pioneer Corps 3rd Division 15th A C Bridgeport Alabama Nov 17th 1863 Dear Wife I Sit down this morning to write you a few lines to to let you Know that I am in moderate health hoping this may find you well; I wrote you a letter on the 12th while at Winchester; We left Winchester the 13th traveled all day and camped on the Cumberland Mountains and arrived at the foot of the Mt,ns at noon on the 14th and arrived at this place at noon on the 15th we have had a long and tedious march with rough and Rockey roads we are at Bridgeport Ala 30 miles below Chattanooga; we Recd orders a few [illegible] minutes ago to be ready to march at a half hours notice one Division of our Corps is crossing the river to day and we will probably cross to morrow and go to Join Hooker on the Right flank this side of Chattanooga we are now near Enough to the front to hear occasional cannon Shots; Hooker has been gaining Some advantages over over the Rebels in position and I think when we get around ready to attack them they will pack up what loose traps they have and make a Retrograde movement towards the South; for I dont believe they will Stand us another big fight here for there is more yankee here now than they will be able to handle; but they have quite a large force too our forces are begining to work around in their rear; Im In my last letter I told you to Direct your letter to Pioneer Corps (Core) 2nd Div 17th Army Corps but our number has lately been changed; you will now Direct to Pioneer Corps 3rd Div 15th A C I Recd another letter from Sarah McLain yesterday dated Oct 27th and also one from Sister Elisabeth Ditto there not mutch Interesting matter in either of them I will send both of them to you; [crossed out][this is] I saw Ben Pulver yesterday he looks well and hearty he be longs in the 92nd Ills Regt; he was in the Battle of chick amaugua I am now only about 30 miles from where Brother William is probably I may get a chance to see him; you will see by Sarahs letter that I wrote to her that Jabe was at home So I supose I will have to take it back; I have not Recd any letter from you since I last wrote I Shall Expect another the Next mail I have Several letters to answer to day So I cannot write as mutch to you as I otherwise would I hope we will get into camp before long So we will have have more chance to write I was Over to the Reg,t this morning the boys are all well they told me that there was to be one man from Each company sent home to Recruit and that Robert Mc was going from our company; This is the best wartered and healthiest part of the south I have been in yet the health of is getting mutch better I am yet troubled more or less with Rheumatism & Dyspepsia but I feel better than I did a month ago; I must close I Remain yours as Ever Thos.J.Davis Lucinda M Davis Direct your letter via Nashville Tenn