Pioneer Corps; 3rd Div. 15th A.C. Chattanooga Tenn; Nov: 30th 1863 Dear Lucinda I Sit Down this morning to write you a few lines to Inform you that I am as well as usual and Truly hope this may find you in good health; I have not Rec,d any letter from you Since I last wrote to you; the last letter I Recd from you was dated 25th & 28th of Oct; over a month ago and I have anxiously looked for a letter from you Every mail for nearly two weeks I dont know why I do not get letters from you for I have Rec,d letters from Illinois as late as the 18th of this month; there is Railroad commun ication from here to the North; So that Should come from Wis in 5 or 6 days; I Rec,d a letter a few days ago from David Ingersoll; he Said that the folks was all well and that they had heard that I was Dead; I will Send you the letter We have had quite an Interesting time here Since I wrote to you last Our Army Corps (Sherman) went up on the west or North Side of the Tenn River in the left of our lines 4 miles above Chattanooga; and after 12 Oclk in the morning of the 24th of this month we; we launched over a hundred Pontoon Boats into the River and went to work crossing our Troops right in the face of the Rebels; for the purpose of getting possession of and holding Missionary Ridge which was strongly held by the Rebels it was Really Interesting to See our men crossing we had about a hundred and fifty Boats [illegible] at u once Each boat carrying abo^t 30 men the River was full of Boats some going one way and some another they looked like a lost flock of Geese Swimming around Blinded with a light and not Knowing where to go; we crossed two Divisions or about Ten thousand Troops in less than three hours; and again at daylight we had a line of Breast works thrown up two miles in length and men in them to hold them the first three Regts that [crossed out word] crossed the River; went out and the captured about two miles of ^ Rebel Picket guards that was in front of us; among the number was a captain Officer of the guard; and a Liet Col. Acting Officer of the day; at daylight the pontoon (Co) went to work throwing a pontoon Bridge acrosse the river and by ten O,clk the Bridge was finis hed; and from that until night there was a Steady Stream of Infantry; Cavalry & Artillery crossing the River; during the day our front lines advanced Severeral times and by night they had thrown up three lines of works; During the night a heavy lines of Battle was formed around the left and in front n of Missionary Ridge; and on the mor^ing of the 25th Shermans Corps advanced on the Enemy and there was heavey fighitng on our left all day and after noon Gen Thomas attacked in the Center with a heavey charge taking [crossed out word] a large quantity of artillery and Some prisoners [crossed out] [the first] the 2nd and 3rd Brigades of our Division made a charge on a heavy line of Rebel Artillery and Infantry in the afternoon the Rebel position was So Strong that they had to fall back losing Several hundred men; I have not time to give you the Details of the Battle but we have badly Defeated the Rebels here them Scattering ^ in disorder; we followed them to [illegible] in Georgia 18 miles from Chattanooga Skirmishing and taking prisoners from them all the way; [crossed out word] and part of our forces are after them yet we came back to Chattanooga yesterday The Talk is that we will Remain here [illegible] time to guard the place while the reserve troops will go forward; The [crossed out word] Wether is quite cold to day last night the ground froze quite hard Ice froze Some half Inch thick; I found one of my Uncles the other day in the 5th Ohio a Cav^lry that I had not seen for 11 years I will write again in a few days Yours as Ever Thos. J.Davis L.M.Davis Well Lucinda I will write you a few more lines before the mail goes out; it is Sprinkling a little of rain I will not attempt to give you any war news The Rebels are all whiped out of this vicinity and I Supose that Some of them are runing yet we captured Several thousand of them there is a large correll full of them here in Town and they are being Sent off to Nashville as fast as the cars can [crossed out word] take them This is Rebel paper that I am writing on and it is very poor n Stuff: we Bur^t a large Rebel arsnal in Georgia the other side of Chattanooga while we was following the Rebs after the battle there was a large number of gun Barrels an new Locks; and stocks that had not been but together yet They will not make anymore guns at that again verry soon we was paid two months pay on the 2nd of this month I dont think I will send any money home for a few days yet; I want you to tell Robert Mc to be sure and write to me that is if you see him: I dont think there will be any more furloughs granted this winter but another year will give me a final furlough and then I will not have to come back I am Still in the Pioneer Corps and I think it is an Easier place than it is in the Regt: Direct your letters as I last wrote: the Boys in the Company is all well Well Lucinda I will close for this time and I will write again in a few days I Remain Truly yours as Ever Thos. J. Davis To Lucinda M Davis