Pioneer Corps 3rd Div 15th A.C ____________ Birdgeport: Alabama: Dec 11th 1863 Dear Wife In accordance with my usual custom I Sit dow this morning to write you a few lines to Inform you that my health is as good as usual: and I truly hope this may find you in good health: I have been writing patiently for Several days to get another letter from you but it has not come yet; the last letter I Rec,d from you was dated the 15th of last month and I Rec,d a letter from madison Severeal days ago dated the 30th; your letters Seem to come verry Slow of late: they Should come here quicker than [crossed out] [i] to Memphis for there is R.R. communication from here all the [crossed out] [y] way to; wis; we are Still at Bridge port but we will probably not Remain here long: it is Said we will go from here to Huntsville: the wether is quite pleasent here for winter but 2 or 3 days ago we had Some verry heavy rains and as a matter of consequence made the roads quite Juicy the mud here is not more than .14. inches deep on an Everage but up towards Chattanooga tis said the roads are quite muddy [crossed out] [so] but the mud is drying up quite Rapidly and will Soon be ready for another rain [illegible] we will soon begin to look for a letter from Robert if he dont forget me [Written upside down on top of page] I will send you Brother Williams likeness it was taken 4 years ago when he gets home the boys in the company are all in their usual health? John Lippin of Co. K formally of our Co; Died on the 8th Inst he had Deserted at Memphis and went home; and was arrested there and Sent Back to the Reg,t; he was a man that was verry fond of whiskey and while he was up north I Supose he got an overdoes of it he was unwell when he got back and it finally run [crossed out word] into the Typhoid fever I dont think we will do mutch more hard marching this us winter; at least I hope not for they have kept ^ Joging pretty well this fall: there is not mutch news to write from here. all is comparatively quiet in the Neighborhood of Bridgeport and Chattanooga: I have Recd but few letters lately; it Seems that Something is wrong Somewhere The last accounts; Report the Rebels leaving Knoxville in a mutch greater hurry than they went there and if they dont watch their corners Some of them will get hemed Sherman is in command of the forces that went from Chattanooga to Knoxville: the Rebels in this part of the country Since their defeat at Chattanooga Seem quite chop fallen and down at the heal; I was on guard last night and I feel too drowsy to write so you will overlook a Short letter I will write more when I get a letter from you. I Remain Ever Truly you Unworthy Husband T.J. Davis To L.M. Davis