Pioneer Corps 3rd Div 15th A.C. Huntsville Ala Feb. 18th 1864 Dear Lucinda I once again Sit down to write you a few lines in answer to your letter dated 3rd inst, and was glad to hear you was Still will and in good spirits my health is as good as it has been for Sometime: The wether has been verry pleasent until yesterday and last night it was quite cold with a Northwest wind and I Expect you are having a good cold time in Wis about now But one consolation is; that the Winter cannot last a great while longer: We are now about 6 miles west of Huntsville Building another R.R. Birdge: The 18th has not yet been Mustered into the Veteran's and will probably not be until the 1st of March: I dont think the Regt will get furloughed until after the Spring campaign I dont think any more Troops will be allowed to go home until those that are at home gets back [illegible] our line here has been weakened to Strengthen Knoxville: as Longstreet is Endeavoring to beseige that place again but I think he will be obliged to leave there as quick as he came [crossed out word] the 18th is Still doing Provost Duty in Huntsville and will probably Remain there until the opening of the Spring campaign; the Boys are quite impatient for their Expected furloughs for most of them Expected to be at home before this time when they joined Veterans but as for my part I am Just as easy as an old shoe and take things as they come I have not been been Mustered into the veterans nor been Examined by the Doctor and I dont Know but that I may be Rejected on Examination: though I think not I Rec'd a letter from Isaac last night dated Feb 7th he said the folks were well no news of Importance; I have not Rec,d a letter from Brother Will since I came from Chattanooga though I have heard from him several times; you said that your mother was going to write to me again I would like to hear from her verry well I have not had a letter from her for a long time; the gold pen I sent you cost 1.50cts I sent to the same place and got Six verry large pens at 350cts Each I Sold four of them at 500. Each; and I have two yet; the pioneers has not been paid yet and perhaps will not be until next pay day; I wish they would get paid; not that I need money myself but then I could collect what the boys owe me I have not made any beer since we left Vicksburg as the wether has been to cool I have not had any chance lately of Speculating mutch and I cant tell how it will be next Summer Some of the citizens around here are preparing to go to farming but there is many farms that will have to be [illegible] before a crop can be put in and in most cases no Niggers to do it; So let the world Jog as best it can; and let the Confederacy get out of its own [illegible] or Else fall and give in; or by waiting a little longer the yankees will cave it in for them I will close this Short Epistle hoping to hear from you again soon I Remain Ever faithfully Yours Thos.C.Davis Lucinda. M. Davis And Silvie