Pioneer Corps 3rd Div'sn: 15th Army Corps Huntsville Ala Sunday May 15th 1864 Dear Wife I again take up my pen to write you a short Epistle in answer to your welcome letter dated May 4th which I rec'd this morning; I was verry glad to hear that you was well I am getting considerable better of my hurt though I am not able to work yet and I will probably not be for Sometime yet for my hip and back is slow getting Stout again; The wether is quite pleasent now it rains every few days; it is cloudy to day and the air is cool; I wrote you a letter last week and Sent you Some flowers in a book the same day. the You will probably: however: get ^ letter a week in advance of the flowers; I have not been to the regt since they went to Whitesburg but I saw one of the boys the other day and he said that Robert McMichael had got back to the Regts ___ We have been looking for a raid in here from Forest or at least we was Expecting one last week and we made arrangements to give him a warm reception but he did not come for he turned his course another direction. The veterans of our Division will soon all be back from their furlough and unless we are Kept for Emergencies which I dont think will be the case we will start home about the first of June so I think we will be at home about the 10th of June; However; circumstances may possibly keep us untill fall but I think not So I think you can look for us about the 10th of June. I do not wish you to think: from what I wrote in my letter of the16th of April: that it was through any Jealousy on my part; but it was from what I have heard from many soldiers wives; and Saw of many soldiers Since I have been in the army; It is not my disposition to be Jealous for if I had a wife who I had reason to believe to be other than honest I should give her all the chances in the world to Show her real character for a womans virtue that must be guarded and watched is truly a bogus article and not worth the price it costs; and to me; the sooner such a one was Known; the better it would suit me; I have not Rec'd many letters lately from some cause or other I rec'd one yesterday from one of my cousins in Ills and it had been on the road Just a month: Last week has witnessed the heaviest fighting of the war and many thousands on both sides have been in mortal combat: Gen; Grant is meeting with good Success and So far the rebels have been mutch harder used than ever before on the Potomac and it is generally believed that this time Richmond must surely change owners; Sherman is pushing the rebels hard at Dalton Georgia and good news is soon Expected from that quarter. we soon expect to hear of a victory. or two which will more than overballance all the little rebel raids this Spring and shake the rebellion to the verry center; but still we quake for fear that some unforeseen calamity may befall our army Just as victory Seems within its grasp. Yet our our hopes are for the better and we must wait to see them realsised I have no news of importance to write to more than I have written to day and I dont feel in mutch of a thinking mood to write so I will close this hoping to talk a letter or two to you in a few weeks. I remain Yours As Ever T.J. Davis To L.M. Davis