Milwaukee Jan 28th 1862 Dear Wife I, again Seat myself to drop you another line I have been looking for two or three days for a letter from you but have not Rec,d any yet we are Still Boarding at the Central Hotel And I dont know how long we will Remain here perhaps it will be 2 or 3 weeks before we get into Camp, we are all tolerable well at this time Some few of the boys have Bad colds we have had Some quite cold weather since we have been here with about a foot of Snow yesterday it Stormed all day both raining and Sleeting and Snowing and it is Drizling of rain to day we Received our Clothes yesterday all but our Shirts, we will perhaps get them in a few days; Since the boys got their new clothes they dont hardly know each [other But Some of the boys did not get their Clothes any too Soon for instead of Badax Tigers they had about become [Bare assed] Tigers; not having brought many clothes with them nor left many at home; the boys generally keep pretty Steady for the reason that they have not mutch money to Spree [?] and carouse on Walt Odell was put under guard the other com morning for imbibing too mutch Sod [illegible] whiskey on a company treat; having misrepresented things and doubled the dose two or three times; his punishment was not Severe but Enough to give him the hint in case of future offences; Ham [?] Cummings got good Gloriously and limber drunk last night for the first time Since he left home he will be pretty Strictly watched; dont make thing too public that I write about the boys we have just one hundred and one men now in our company and considered the best company out of the nine that is here Arch Morison got released and went home Several days ago; he was tickeled [illegible] almost to death when he found that he could go home for a Sicker child never recovered and I think it will be a long time before he will take another contract I think it is very probable that we will not get away from here until March or April I will get quite tired of Staying here So long but we must wait the motions of goverment I think I will get a furlough and come home once before we leave here Milwaukee is quite a large City mutch larger then I Expected to find with many large well Built Buildings Some of which are Six Stories high Write as Soon as you get this and tell me how you are getting along and all the rest of the news I Believe I have nothing Else to write this time so good Bye Thos. J. Davis To Lucinda. M. Davis