Pioneer Corps 3rd Div 15th A.C Cartersville Ga, July 26th 1864 I Employ a few leisure moments to day in writing you a Short Epistle in answer to your letter dated July 17th & 18th and mailed at Lacrosse the 18th I was verry glad to hear that you was well as you had wrote a time or two before that you had been some what ailing your last letter come through mutch quicker than any letter I have rec'd from you for a long time my health is about the same as when I last wrote you last: the wether is quite pleasent at present the days are not so warm as in June and the nights are cool enough to sleep under two blankets we are yet at Cartersville and will probably remain here for sometime we have not had mutch to do since we came here and in fact I would not do mutch if we had; there has been some verry heavy fighting at Atlanta a few days ago with heavy loss [crossed out word] on both sides among the Killed was Major General McFerson one of the ablest Generals in our army we have been under him nearly two years and his loss is mutch Regretted by all the Troops of his command he comman ed the army of the Tennessee which consisted of the 15th, 16th and 17th army Corps we dont hear any peticulars from the front it is generally believed that our forces hold Atlanta for there was heavy fighting all round it and we could verry distinctly hear the canonading here on friday saturday and sunday I am verry anxious to hear from the front and hear from Will as I have not heard from him for sometime I Supose you rec'd the money I Sent you in your letter of the 6th you said it was at viroqua but in your last letter you did not say any thing about it: you say that Elias Rogers Says that the war will last seven years; as to prophesying as to the duration of the war I never pretended to Know neither do I think that Elias Knows any more than I do; One thing I am confident of: and that is it cannot last four years longer from the fact that neither side will be able in money and men to carry it on So long; for both sides are now rapidly becoming Bankrupt; I notice in the last two papers we rec'd that there were some men at Niagra falls in Canada purporting to be Rebel commissioners and [crossed out word] wishing to come to Washington to negotiate for terms of peace; but I think it is only a Sham arrangement between the copperheads and Rebels to make a show for peace for the Sake of trying to defeat the union [crossed out] [party] or national party at the November Election: that is my opinion at present but it is to be hoped that a better design is at the bottom of it. Since writing the above a Train of cars come in from the front with some Rebel Prisoners; the men on on the Cars say our forces are not yet in possession of Atlanta but are nearly all round it: I Rec'd a letter from Mother and Elisabeth a few days ago the folks were as well as usual: There is no other news of importance to write of present. You must be good children and dont cry nor play in the dirt. I Remain as Ever Your Soger Boy T. Jefferson Davis L, Mary Davis