No. 2 ___ Pioneer Corps 3rd Div 15th A.C. Cartersville Aug 2nd 1864 Dear Wife being at leasure to day I thought I would write a few lines [illegible] pass time even if it is not interesting for your perusal. but if I had time I would write a little every day, although I have no news of interest but to write ^ I can write something Else: the weather is cool and pleasent to day we still have showers every few days which makes it mutch more pleasent than if it continued dry and hot: we have not had any News papers for two or three days I learn that they are not allowed to be sold along the line at present which makes times verry dull for News I think there is some important move going on in front but we cannot hear anything definitely what is being done, but we will probably hear in a few days Friday Aug 5th Well I will finish my letter this morning: we moved camp day be fore yesterday and have been buisy fixing up or I would have finished it before: we Rec'd our pay yesterday I have not been to the Reg,t since we came here I dont know whether they have been paid yet or not; I will not send any money home at present as there is no Express Office here. I think I will go down to the Regt and see the boys in a few days: We do not get any papers yet and we still know but little of what is going on at the front I think that Sherman cant take Atlanta when ever he wishes to do so but is figuring to try and take part of the Rebel army and waiting on Grants movements East I rec'd letter two days ago from Bro Will dated the 24th July he was near Atlanta and was well he has had a verry hard campaign since the frst of May though he seems to be in good Spirits: I have not rec'd any letter from you since I commenced this I rec'd your letters No 1 and 2 So I will No: my letters after this if I dont forget it: The 10th Iowa has returned from furlough Sam Coe was in Viroqua the 4th of July he said they had a good time there yesterday was the day Set apart by the president and congress as a day of National humiliation and prayer I went to church last night and heard the Chaplain of the 63rd Ills make a Sermon I got tired however and went to camp before the Sermon was concluded I hope that those who Offered prayers did it with the right Spirit and pure motives my health as good as usual though I feel too Nervous to day to write good I hope this will find you in good health and in good Spirits and remain So until I get home this fall and then I will tell you agreat many long windy stories (not of my bravery however) about Soldieing in general and Southern life as I have no important news I will close Write Soon I Remain Ever Your Soger Boy T.J. Davis To. L.M.Davis