Monday June 16th 1862 Well as you Sent me two Sheets of paper I Supose you meant for me to write on both of them and Send them back that does not take me long after I commence Walter Odell is Still Sick in the hospital and I have not heard from him Since he was taken there, Ike, is getting better Ike has Spent about all of his money and he has not been paid a week yet, Several of our boys was Sent away to St Louis or Some other place to a hospital last week E. Forsyth and Jim Williams was among the number; Bill Downie has got well and has come back to the Regiment again; Bill Cleary has got about well of the Jaunders [?] again So you can tell Mary that She need not be uneasy about him; I Re,cd another letter from, Ills, the Same time I Re,c,d your last one; it from David Ingersoll he wrote that they was all well he Said that Little Charlie [crossed out] was Blowing the Fifi[e] [?] while he was writing this is another hot day the Sun beams down through these tents So hot [crossed out] the in the middle of the day that we Sit around under the Shade of the trees where it is more cool; we go out on picket about every week we was on picket a week ago yesterday and I Expect we will go out again in a day or two; the way we do on picket Several Regiments go out at a time and [crossed out] [illegible] three men are put on a post or generally at a tree Some thirty paces apart one man on a post Stands Sentinal at a time they Relieve Each other Every two hours, Each man Stands two hours and off four; when we Start out we take one days rations in our Haver Sacks consist ing of ham and bread or hard crackers [crossed out]as which ever we may have at the time and we tie up Some ground coffee and put in our haver Sacks and when we want to Eat our grub we Build up a fire and take our tin cups and boil Some water And make coffee and Broil our ham So we live as Independent as wood chucks and when we want to go to Sleep; if it is raining [crossed out] [illegible] or damp weather we bend down a bush and Stretch our Rubber Blankets over it and thus have a waterproof tent ..[crossed out] [illegible] This forenoon John Greenman and Henry Allen of Springville come over to Our camp from the 8th Reg,t Hank got wounded on the 9th of May but the wound is about well now and he looks hearty; John Greenman is also hearty they Say that the boys are generally in good health with the Exception of Jim Berry of Springville they Say he has been unwell for Sometime and that he has [crossed out] [illegible] Resigned and is going home Soon George Esler Just landed here to day from Milwaukee; he has been there in the Hospital ever Since we left there untill now he has been Sick for a long time but he begins to look quite well again This is Monday afternoon and we are having quite a nice little Shower of Rain But I am afraid we will not have enough of it; we Should have a good Rain for it has been Sometime Since we have had any rain well before; I am getting pretty ^ Climated to this country now for the first month or more after I came here the climate did not verry well agree with me but now the boys Say I am getting as fat as a Bear and I know that I feel mutch better, I will tell you how I do to keep healthy I am careful not to Eat anything that does not agree with me and I dont Drink mutch bad whiskey I take my Regular Sleep; and I Exercise Some Eevery day by walking around if I dont have duty Enough to Exercise otherwise I Bathe or wash myself all over two or three times a week and keep my under clothes clean write Soon So good Bye be a good Girl till I See you To Lucinda. M. Davis T.J. Davis