United States Sanitary Commission Co C.. 18th Reg't Wis. Vols. Infty Washington D.C. Sunday May 28th 1865 Dear Wife I take this oppertunity of writing you a Short letter in answer to two letters that I rec'd from you yesterday one was dated May 12th and the other May 19th you may be sure I was glad to hear from you after being so long without letters. I was also glad that you had got home Safe and without mutch trouble though your walk from Badax City I Should think was anything but a pleasent Exercise: with Sylvie to carry I was Somewhat disappointed in not recei ving that Photograph you promised to send me and you did not mention in your letter: that you had sent it: I rec'd a letter from Mr Smith Dated April 23rd Tell Mr Smith that I will make one letter do you both for this time We are Still Encamped near the City and we now draw Soft Bread and pickles and begin to put on Potomac Style: The boys Say we are now soldiering in Potomac Style and that we will soon draw paper collars: red neck ties: Straw and postage Stamps and Boot Blacking and have nothing to do; and get furloughs every six weeks Our Western men [crossed out word] and the Potomac Chaps do not agree verry well: They are having little petty quarrels and fights every day: but the qarreling and fighting is generally confined to men of weak minds and manners on both sides: and in most cases under the infuence of poor fighting Whiskey and bad raising. There is too mutch of it however and it is all wrong and I dont like to see it going on: for f We have had a hard time and a long time fighting the Rebels and we have got them beautifully Whiped and cleaned out and I Should think that our Soldiers ought to be Satisfied without quarreling and fighting among themselves. I Rec'd a letter from Bro Will he Said the folks were all well: he was living with Isaac in the same house they were living when we was there he Said that Mothers broken leg was getting better but that she would not walk on it yet From What you Say it Seems that Jabe and Mary have been trying to out do each other and both are worsted in the Opperation: if that is the case they ought to make a draw game of it and recruit their Strength and draw a fresh Supply of amunition Wealth demands moderation in all things: to say nothing of self respect I dont know as I have anything new to write to day only it is a pleasent day but yesterday and day before it rained all day We are lying Still here and waiting future Events: We Expect [crossed out] [to] that the army will be paid off in a few days which will come verry acceptable to me: as I have Several hundred dollars Standing out which I will then collect. Well Lucinda I will close for this time hoping to hear from you again Soon as we can get letters mutch quicker from each other now than when I was in North Carolina I Remain as ever Your Unworthy Husband Thos.J.Davis To Mrs. T.J. Davis