Louisville K.Y June 15th 1865 Dear Wife.. This morning finds me trying to write a few lines to a Woman friend that I used to associate with before the War and whom I expect to see again before many months if there is no providential hinderance and no accident Occurs I Rec'd a letter from you yesterday dated June 1st which was a little behind time: never the less I was verry glad to get it: the mail we are getting now has all been to Washington and then remailed here but your letters will now come Straight through here Robert McMichael has rec'd his papers. and Started home yesterday. He has been verry anxious about home for Some time: he sent in his resignation when we first came to Washington I sent a Silver fork and a set of Tea Spoons with him: that came from South Carolina: which he will deliver to you as a present from your soldier boy; he also owes me Thirty Seven Dollars and 65 cents ($37.65) which he will pay to you and you will give him a receipt for the same The wether has been quite warm for Several days but it is Some cooler to day.. Wheat is now ripe and the people are buisy harvesting their grain. You Say that I have never written where I Expected we would live after I got out of the Army: I Know that I never have, and the reason is that I have not decided that question in my own mind : and I will probably be guided by circumstances after I get out of the Service for I think I will look around and see where I can do the best which is hard to determine now. It will be early enough after I get discharged to Seek a location to advantage. Five companies of our Regt was paid day before yesterday but our Co and 4 others are yet unpaid; but I Supose they will be paid in a day or two; However I have plenty of money for I collected Two Hundred Dollars that the other com panies Owed me, which is more than I intend to Spend Soon The Soldiers here are getting quite im patient to find out what is to be done with us, as there is no orders from the War Department or any place else from which we have the least Idea what is to be done with us in the future, and the men justly complain of being Kept in Such total ignorance and claim that we have at least; the right to Know, whether we are to be discharged Soon or Kept in the Service If Robert Mc wrote that we would all be at home in, he only did so on his own impression without any authority more than Supposition but there was a great many who believed that we would Soon go home after coming here. I have not rec'd any letters Since I wrote you last except from you; and I have written but few of late I will look for another letter from you now Every day until I get one mein while I take every thing perfectly cool; waiting for Something to turn up in Military affairs. You will please write often and I will do the Same I Remain Ever Truly Yours Thos J. Davis L.M. Davis