Tenn Camp Near Lenoir Station June 4th 1865 Dear Sister I take my pen in hand to write you a few lines. I am well and hope this will find you and the rest of the family well you will See by This letter that we have moved our camp The Regiment are all Together now under The Commmand of Maj Standish. Col Trowbridge Commands a Brigade Lt Col Smith is home on leave of absence we are camped in a nice grove but not very handy to water it is a beautiful Country around Here and we are close by The Railroad on the borders of a nice little village our Officers are making out pay rolls now for the months of March and April There is talk of going to Louisville Ky where we are to be reviewed and paid off but I hear so many rumors that I hardly know what is going on but I hope to be at home before long. when you write to me just please leave off the Sergt to my address for I am relieved from that kind of Duty at my own request for I have had responsibility enough on my shoulders for a year and half and some one else get The praise and pay for it now I go where I please and come at my own call I received a letter from Father to day which I will answer soon give my respects to all Enquiring Friends and accept a brothers love From Wm Dggett Direct to [Knoxville?]