San Antonio Springs Texas Oct 8th 1865 Dear Wife I now seat myself to write a fiew lines to you in answer to yours of june 28th and july 10th which i have just recieved yesterday. i am well at present. and i hope when this reaches you it will find you enjoying the same good health. and all the rest of the greenbush folks I was glad to hear that my money got home all safe and i am well suited with the way that you have have put it out. if John A. Barrington is good you can let him keep what he has got until we want it and the Ballance you can put in the Bank if you choose or let Barring have the whole of it that you can spare. There is one regiment of our Brigade leaves here tomorrow morning for Brownsville on the Rio Grande. and if that is where they are going i think that they are on their road home. and i think that we will leave here soon for some place but i cant tell where we will go. every thing looks very curious here. we cannot find out any thing all that we know is just the reports that we hear in camp and they are not very reliable for when a story gets started they never lose any thing by being told so many times I heard this morning that one company of our regiment was going to start off in the morning with Gen Gibbs for some place but i dont know where they are going. nor i dont know what company will go but i am in hopes that it will not be ours for i dont think very much of any of the officers. any more. they are all worse on the men since the war has been over than they was before. I had a letter from Will. of june 21st and he does not speak very well of their officers now. he says that they act just as bad as they can. i also had a letter from O.B. [Levy?] and he wants me to wait on him a while longer he says that he will pay me all that he is owing me just as soon as he can, and i had just as soon wait until i get hone as not if i can get it then. and i will write to hin and tell hin that i will wait until i come hone. if he will get it for me as soon as i want it or pay me the money so that i can get it some where else. you spoke about having your hair cut off and ask my consent. but i had rather you would not cut it off until i get home and then i will see about it. i would not have you cut your hair off for a hundred dollars until after i come home and then we will talk about it. Now i must close for this time write as soon as you get this and as often as you can no more at present but remain your Loving husband Wm Eaegle Emma. A. Eaegle. P.S. does Emil and Amanda live together since he has got home or not. Wm Eaegle