(San Antonio Texas (Dec 3d 1865 Dear wife I now seat myself to pen a fiew lines to you in answer to yours of Nov 12th which i recieved to day. and i can tell you that i was glad to hear from you. i am well at present, and i hope when this reaches you it will find you all enjoying the same good health in greenbush. i have got back to the company again and have been on guard once. the duty is very heavy on the men that are in camp there is so many out on detail and what are here have just the same duty to do as if the whole regiment was here. Major Gen Merrit and Mizner are going to leave here in the morning. for the north. the band are going with them as fer as Austin. there was eighty men went from our regiment to Austin to take some horses out there for the 6th U.S. Cavalry which are coming here and as soon as they get here i think that we will get started for home. the mustering officer says that all the volunteer troops that are here will be discharged first as fast as they can. in your letter you spoke about our living. well we do have the poorest rations since we came here that we have had since we have been in the service and the least of them. but we get along as well as we can we have to buy a good share of our living and pay a very big price for everything that we get or else do without just as we choose. You can tell Mr. Hollister that i went over to the 2d Inft yesterday and i found his brother he is well and he says that he has wrote three or four times but has not recieved any answer from him. he is color seargeant he belongs in Co "I" tell him that his brother wants him to write to him his address is the same as mine. only the company and regt I was weighed last night my weight is (146 ½) one hundred forty six pound and a half. so you see that i am just as fleshy as i was when i was at home. i guess it is the [warnsy?] hard tack that makes us fat. In this letter i will send a rose that i picked yesterday the 2nd of dec which i never seen before in any place but the folks are making garden here all the time now i must close for this time write as soon as you get this no more at present but remain your loving husband Wm Eaegle E.A.E.