(San Antonio Texas (Dec 29th 1865 Dear Wife I now seat myself to write a fiew lines to you in answer to yours of Nov 25th & 28th which i have just recieved to night they found me well. and i hope when this reaches you it will find you all enjoying the same good health. i can tell you that i was glad to get some letters again for it has been a long time since there has been any mail for our regiment. i cant tell what is the matter for the stages run here twice a week regular. There was quite a lot of sanitary stores came for our regiment to day. there was about thirty barrells of crout and pickles and some dried apples. and a lot of books and papers for the chaplain to give to the boys but they are all discouraged so bad that nothing will content them. there has been so much style put on for some time back that the boys have got out of patients and they will not stand it any longer and after the first of next month i expect they will refuse to do any duty. there was a general inspection yesterday and the boys all come out looking the worst that i ever saw then but the officers did not say anything to them. in one company they give the boys blacking for their boots and when they came out the captain ask them why they did not black their boots. they told him that it would not pay. and in another company there was one sargeant went around and gave the boys blacking and another seargeant followed him and gathered it all up and sold it for bread. he thought that we needed something to eat worse than anything else. There was a large wedding here last Wednesday night near our camp. it was a daughter of the richest man in this city our band went over and seranaded them about ten oclock and then part of them went back and played for a dance. Lem was there with three more of the band. i presume it cost the man over one thousand dollars. but he was able to pay that and then not feel it much. Our major has just got back from the north and he thinks that we will get out of the service in a fiew weeks but it may be that he just talks so to content the boys. but we cant believe anything without we see it ourselves. I was on guard last night and it rained a very little but i passed off the time very well for all the time i was on post i was killing rats. I spent the lonesomest christmas this year that i ever saw in my life and i expect that new year will go the way. for a person might just as well stay in camp as to go into the city unless he wants to get drunk. for the citizens are not much more than helf civilized here only a fiew of them. and then another thing we are all out of money and not much signes of our getting our pay soon as i can see. We have to muster for our pay next Sunday. and then there will be six months pay due us. Lord Wellington thinks it would be a shame to turn all of these men out of door this winter. he thinks that we would all freeze to death. but i would risk myself if they will let me go home. but himself he knows that he cant get one or two hundred dollars a month and go dressed up every day as he does here. if you should see him walking acrossed the parade ground you would think it was Major General Grant. the boys are all well from our place now i must close for this time you must write as soon as you get this and not wait for me to get home. no more at present but remain your faithful husband Wm Eaegle. E.A.E.