Camp Benton Feb 11th 1862 Dear friend i recieved your letter to day and was glad to hear from you we are almost all well at present and i hope this will find you all the same Jim woodruff is at the hospital he was down here yesterday and he stayed a little while and then he went back, when i go to [dances?] you see i am up all the time and when i am on guard i stay on two hours and then i am of four hours that is what makes me so sleepy but i have not been on guard since last Sunday so i feel middling well to night we are having some of the best kind of music here tonight, you said some thing about (pale face) i cant say any thing about him only i am sorry for (you) i dont believe she will tell Willard her dreams, but maybe she will and if she does you can get will to tell you about then probable he can tell you more than i can for i dare not write her dreams in here for fear of some ones seeing it you wanted to know what i done with your likeness well i can tell you i left it at home in my trunk locked up so i guess it will be safe until i come home, the reason why i did not come in to your house that morning that we left was i expected to come home again before we left but i did not come an i expect it is all for the best Wm Hulse is dead he died last Thursday but we did not hear of it until Sunday he was at the hospital some eight miles from here his things is agoing to be sent home by express he was buried in his uniform all except his overcoat which will be sent home with the rest of his things there has been five died in our company since we came here Rachel sent a letter to me and she said that you told here that you had that tin sixpence yet and she wants me to explain but i could not, we just got our appeletts to day to put on our shoulders me and Abe is a going to get our pictures taken on horse back after while and send them home i have seen your picture two or three times since i came away i want you to write as soon as you get this excus poor writing and spelling, and all mistakes from your friend Wm EAEGLES to 3rd Mich. Cavey E.H. Daggett [illegible in original] N.B. it is very muddy here now and not cold it is almost like spring here now but it may be cold again but i expect we will [End Scan 4] [Written on the right side of Scan 4] leave here soon for the south