Headquarters 33d Reg’t. Co. F Camp Ethen Allen 1861 I havent got quite room enough on the other sheet so I wil finish on this one I am encamped in virginia about 10 miles from the city of washington I am on gard to night and shall have to let it go until morning and then finish it. I was on gard last night it is a rainy night and [crossed out] [dard] dark as you please You wanted me write whether [crossed out] [it] it was so about the union men takenig the Norfolk navy yard I guess the report is false it was the story round heare but it is not so You wrote [illegible] you wanted me to send you my likeness but I cant do that I cant get it taken if I could I would send it to you I should like to have you send me yours if you can give my love to all of your folks tell Willard that I like a soldiers life pretty well but it [illegible] quite as pleasant as it is at home. [crossed out] [do] do you know whare reuben is if You do write to me and tell me how he gets along I have wrote all the news that I can think of so good by for this time write as soon as you get this this is from your cousin and friend George W Daggett To Miss Emeline A. Daggett George W Daggett Willard W Daggett Direct to Mr. George W Daggett Washington DC in care of captain mc nair Co. F 33rd regiment Ny state volunteers Em Em