Head Quarters Dist. Memphis Memphis May 7th / 63. My Dear Dear Emma. There are times when the humane heart will feel sad _ when every exertion towards consola= -tion fails to effect the desired object. Most always I am happy and contented _ Indeed it is very seldom I allow my feelings to overcome me. _ But tonight I am sad and lonely _ all my exertions to the Contrary not with- -standing _ Oh! that I Could rest my aching head _ my fevered brow in your lap dear Emma _ while your fingers might wander through my locks _ I am sure I should then feel better. This morning while I was engaged in writing. I was notified _ that that the United States _ Hospital Boat “City of Memphis” had arrived from Vicksburg _ and that a very intimate friend of mine names Thomas Harris _ was lying dangerously ill on board of her. Of course I visited the boat immediately _ But darling Emma Such sights as met my gaze upon entering the Cabbin _ There lay over three hundred poor suffering creatures _ Some in the very last agonies of death. Some n groa^ing under the excruciating agony of horrible wounds _ &. Still others burning and parching with dreadful [feavers?] _ In some places the sick dead _ and dy- -ing were lying side by side. Oh! Dear Emma when gazing upon such sights I could but exclaim My God has there not been suffering Enough enough to satisfy the Cravings of Traitors. Must this awful carnage still go on? But my final conclusion was _ yes let it proceed _ Let Thousands upon Thousands suffer worse _ than all this _ before the honor of this Great Nation _ should be blemished. If my turn Comes next. If I am to be sacrificed _ among our ‘Countrys Martyrs _ be it so. I will not nay Cannot Complain _ I found my friend Thomas very sick he has gone to Saint Louis Missouri, where I hope he may recover in due time. In answer to your inquiry _ in regard to the final Conclusion of this “Cruel Rebellion” _ I would say. First that it is mearly a question of time; that we shall finally Conquer _ the South there is no room for doubt _ The only question is -lish the length of time necessary to accomp-^ it _ and this depends upon circum- -stances alone _ Should Genl. Hooker gain a decided victory in Virginia. Rosecrance defeat or repulse the enemy in “East Tennessee”. _ and Grant obtain possession of theMiss- issippi River _ The rebellion would then be cut directly into _ their supplies cut off _ &. surrounded _ and harrassed [illegible in original] upon every side _ their “[illegible in original] Leaders” would soon begin to travel out of the Country, and peace would reign through out the land in six months there after But on the Contrary should our Armies meet with reverses _ greater time _ would then be requsite. to accomplish the desired object. My opinion however is _ that two years at the out side will vindicate the National honor _ and secure an honorable peace. [1863, May 7] Darling much loved Emma, why dont you Join the “Good Templars”. Did any thing I wrote you in a previous letter deter you from it? I should have no objection to your Joining them _ and were I in Chickaming I presume I should encourage it _ as a “Social Institution” _ But I must Confess the evils arrising from them in Aurora _ Counter- -acted _ what little good _ they attempted - but never accomplished. I am feeling bad this evening _ and must Close _ You will excuse the writing _ wont you? Darling, &. take the will for the deed. Providence permitting we shall meet this Summer or Fall. Dear One you did right in writing _ about your sickness I am very sorry _ I hope you will be much better from this time on. Cousin Deloss is first rate is looking for a letter from from you every day. Dearest Emma I love you as devotedly as ever. I will prove it when we meet. Give my love to your Mother, Best Respects to Jon. &. family and believe me your own Promised & Loving _ “Mark” “Emma” Dear P.S. Madam Rumor with her “Thousand.” tongues reports that Major Genl. Hooker has gained a decided Victory in Virginia I hope it may be so. Yours alone Mark