Head Quarters Dist. Memphis Memphis Tenn. June 3d. / 63 My Dear Darling Emma. I have Just been delighted by the re- -ceipt of another dear letter from you. You alone dear Emma can immagine the pleasure I always experiance upon the receival of letters from her whom I love so fondly. Yes dear Emma I do feel bad on Deloss account for I know he loves Fannie But it is Just as he says. she never declares her love in writing. That you see is the legitimate offspring _ of City-bred. Cod-fish Aristocracy. before I would wed a woman of that stripe I would live single _ until I was grey as a Wharf _ Rat. “Indeed would I.” Fannie [illegible in original] is a beautiful and accomplished young Lady, well educated and refined _ But those false ideas of Aristocracy spoils her for me. Deloss says he is going to Michigan sure when I do. I think you will like him very much _ He is an off handed Frank. honest lively boy al- -ways full of fun. Dear Darling much Loved Emma – I wish this “cruel war was over.” it makes every One more or less unhappy no One can really enjoy themselves while such a terrible war is raging in Our Country _ as you say we will most likely love all the more _ for passing through the firey ordeal _ But dear Girl this separation is almost unen- -durable _ Yet I must not com- plain for I Counted the Cost before taking the step. and I thank Providence _ that my fate has not been that of poor Frank Goodwins _ and [yed?] darling Emma it might [Written sideways on left-hand side of Scn 2] Dear Emma this letter looks bad Excuse it _ Mark have been tree times worse than his for I have been surrounded by dangers of all kinds from the very date of my enlistment. If health and life are spared I am sure I should not grumble. Dear Emma. these beautiful moon-light evenings as I gaze upon fare Lunas face _ I think of you _ and wish often that I were in Chickaming _ with you dear Girl _ But I will try and content myself _ and live in Joyful anticipation of the time when _ we shall be restored to each other. Dearest Emma. You must be very careful of your health _ Remember what I said in my last letter about Kissing “red Cheeks”. My health is as good as could be expected in this Climate _ Of course I dont feel as well as when at home _ with comforts which cannot be obtained in the Army [Written sideways on left-hand side of Scan 3] Send the Picture!!! But Emma dear _ you must never worry on my account always think of me as the same care- lss-happy-Thoughless Mark _ “and what ever sky's above me. Here's a heart for every fate”. You must try and enjoy yourself as much as possible _ Outdoor exercise will do you much good. Be happy dear Emma , and Contented. trusting ever in a Kind Providence _ Who “doeth all things well.” Never distrust my deep-true and sincere Affection. – always confide in me _ as I do in you _ and in spite of “fate” _ we will see years of happiness. My friend Thomas Harris is yet _ at Saint Louis _ is recover- ing his health slowly _ Give my love to your Mother Best respects to Jon. &. family. Write to One who loves you dearer than any one else on on earth _ Deloss always sends Love I am your Own Loving _ “Mark”