Hd Qrs U.S. Mil & Telegraph Memphis July. 18th 1863 Friend Emma. Yours of the “5th” has Just came to hand, and with pleasure. I hasten to reply. Emma I hardly Know. what to write about. So if you do not get a very long letter you must not complain. When I received your letter Mark. was with me, and of course he wished to See it. So I let him. “was it right.” I thought So, or I Should not have let him See it. Emma. I am Sorry. to learn that Some persons will put themselves, to So much trouble as to try and distroy the comforts and pleasure of others. I Suppose you are not aware that haveing others talk about me, was the cause of my trouble. Now let me tell you as a true friend. do not believe anything you hear about Mark. for I can vouch for his loveing You. and with a clear. consience. can Say. he is true to you. I tell you he felt verry bad when he learned that John Gowdy had been talking to you about him. Emma. let me give you a little advise when you hear anything about Mark. Just write and ask him about it and if this report is true, he wil tell you So. for he would not lie to you. Emma you need not be atall Surprised if about next Christmas you should See Your dear Mark. home, for in my Opinion this war will be at a close. about that time. Then I expect to See you, “not only as a friend” but as. a cousin.. for as near as I can learn you and Mark. will be Married when he comes home. and If the Lord is willing and my. Young. Lady. does not go back on me too. far, I may be. There hurrah for a happy time all arround.. But if she does then I must look for Some other one. I Suppose it is very lonesome whare you are. “in the woods..” yet you can enjoy yourself. by. the Lake. Mark is well. Sends Love. I must close so good Bye. From. Your. Cousin Deloss. “Write Soon.”