Head Qrs. DistofMemphiS Memphis Tenn. Oct. 22. 1863. My Own Darling Emma. I arrived safe in Memphis – two or three days ago. and would have written immediately after my arrival – but you remember darling you promised to write the next Sunday after I left. Consequently I Concluded to wait until said letter arrived _ which was this morning _ and I assure. you I was glad to learn you were so promt in writing to me. Darling _ after leaving you _ I met Cousin Deloss in Chicago _ with two other friends (Telegraph Operators) who were going to Memphis We Concluded to go to Theatere that night And proceed on our journey the next morning but After returning toour Hotel from the Theatre _ We found a telegram from Uncle . at Aurora desiring that we should go down to Aurora to spend the Sunday The majority of the Company were in favor of doing so. and I had to aquiess _ I had a good time out there _ But. I was sorry all the time I did not remain in your dear society. Oh My Emma You cannot imagin how lonely your Mark was after leaving you _ It seemed to me I could not go after we arrived at NewBuffalo But a stern duty _ An obligation which my Country _ had a right to demand _ Called me from you _ But dearest in After Years. You will love me all the more for doing as I have When I arrived in Chicago I was informed by letter fromt these Head Qrs. that General Veatch was under orders to reinforce Rosecranse _ and that I would must likely find him gone from here when I arrived here _ But_ no he was here and give a good reception _ He seemed glad tosee me _ and I in turn was more more than happy to see him _ My business was Sadly neg= -lected and I have been more than ordinarily busy ever since my return _ But I am “O.K.” now _ Darling One. I found many letters V here for me _ among them two from you which were decidedly comforting to me _ good joke on our Chickaming friends who think us married I am Very willing they should think so Let Jim &. Lauren help to carry out the farse _ In a measure I was in Earnest when I told Jim Gowdy that I turned you over to his Controll _ I wish my friends to Know that I am not afraid to trust you . and that I endorse fully and entirely your conduct during my absence _ The weather still remains warm at plesant _ Darling – When I write next time I will send you the “Cruel War” You must write me very often darling _ and I will try and be very prompt in my reply If I send by this Mail I must close now _ Love to your Mother _ & John &. family. How's “[illegible in original]”? I am very sorry I [illegible in original] was unfortunate Enough to forget the Dried fruit John so kindly gave me Write Soon _ I Remain Your Own Loving &. aff. Mark _