Camp near Corinth Head Quarters Gen Rosecranse Oct 11th 1862. My Promised Bride. Your letters have at last reached me _ and I em- -brace this (the first opportunity of responding. Oh! my dear Emma can you imagin how I have longed for those dear Kind & Loving letters. But Dearest I knew they would be forth-coming as soon as we could drive back the Rebel Horde which for some time had surr- ounded us _ cut off Entirely our com- -muniction with the North &. threatened our complete destruction. At last with a tremendious force under Price Van Dorn ["Sove"ll?] &. Villapique they attacked our position some five miles from Corinth where we had thrown out a portion of our army to resist their onward march upon Corinth. But after a hard days fighting. (Thursday the 2d) We were ordered to fall back within two miles of Corinth where we could hold them at [Written sideways on top of Scan 1] Dearest. Please excuse the writing. I am almost dead, Completely _ done out. Excuse poor punctuation etc. etc. etc. There are many questions in your letters which I could not answer in this letter. &. send by today's mail. I will write again soon. &. ans. all. Your own Loving Mark write bay until we could be entirely pre- pared to Give them a warm reception inside the city limits _ Well we fought them all day Friday in the vicinity of Town &. in the Evening they were rein – forced &. charged upon us driving us back to the supports of the Forts in Corinth. My God what a day. I never never want to see another like it if possible to avail it. Friday night we slept upon our Arms _ Our Troops were in line of Battle. I was Orderley for Gen Rose cranse _ and was bussy until two oclock Saturday morning carrying Orders &. Despatches to different Commands. At two I lay down in the Generals tent thinking I would rest until morning _ But scarsely had I slept before Boom Boom Boom. from the Enemy's Canon _ and Double quick time. There “was no Use.” Sleep had “played out” The Ball had opened sooner than we anticipated During the night the Rebels had succeeded in planting a Battery in full range of town _ and were now shelling us out. The first shot they fired struck a beautiful mansion Just in the rear of the Generals Tent tearing it all to peices They supposed the General occupied it. For two hours they shelled us throwing some [illegible in original] shell per minute _ at the End of which time our Forts silanced their guns and our Infantry charged upon _ and brought off by hand their Battery The fight now became [illegible in original] such roaring. My God it was awful _ Just imagin Eighty Canon _ and perhapse more _ firing as rapidly as they could load. Think of the most dreadful thunder storm You Ever witnessed _ add ten to it _ and multiply the whole _ by Nine Hundred &. ninty-nine &. you can form but a small idea of the noise. Then think of 75. thousand men with muskets all shooting as rapidly as they could besides Bomb shells bursting above and arround you. In the excitement you forget danger and “go in to [whipe?]” At ten o.clock the enemy penetrted the town as far as the General's Head Quarters. and pl- -anted their treasonable flag on one of our best forts _ Our men were fall- ing back (at this time I supposed the day was lost) But Hamilton's Division now charged upon them drove them from our Fort. Our whole Force now divided flanking the enemy on two sides while our best artillery fired upon them from a third. Gen. Rosecranse rides along his lines _ shouting “Give them H – l I have them now where I want them.” The Enemy comenced runing and we after them. We had them out Generaled _ Our little Rosecranse with half their force had whiped them They ran _ and we after them I have just returned we drove them over seventy miles. I took a Rebel Lieut Prisoner. I am nearly _ dead having been in my saddle for two nights & one day _ with out sleep or rest. Emma dear Girl your letter was sent through to me when I was after Price the night it was received _ I was cold & hungry I had to do without my supper. But when that dear Loved letter was received. I was revived &. strange to say felt no more hunger I saw when passing over the Battle Field in some places as many as fifty Rebels laying dead in one pile _ where our Canon had swept them down. We must have taken over 4 Thousand Prisoners Killed &. Wounded several thousand more &. scattered their whole Army _ We are near badly flagged and we know it. We have been (us boys) not quite two months in the Army and been in two Battles _ That's doing well I think Our Company lost several [2 words illegible in original] [illegible in original] many wounded Page 5th [1862, Oct. 11] Dear One Since writing the other sheet. Your last dear letter has come to hand. Oh! Emma what a comfort your letters are to me. with what Joy are they read _ and reread by me. They make me so cheer- -ful &. contented. Darling Emma you are food enough for any one in this wide wide world. You might find those who would love you But never never can you find One that will love you more de- -votedly than I. Yes, I dear dear Emma since my aquaintence with you have loved you as Truly &. devotedly as any Humane Be- -ing is Capable of loving. With your consent _ had it not been for this wicked &. unholy Rebellion we should never have been separated for any length of time. But like many others this war has dis- arranged my plan's considerably I received a letter from my father in Minnesota _ a few day's since in which he stated _ That he had received an appointment as Quarter Master in the Indian Campaign under Maj Gen Pope He also stated that the Indians now occupied a portion of the country where considerable of our Property is situated &. that he expected to find it destroyed. Oh! Emma what is our once happy country coming to. Destruct- -ion seems to stare us in the face. Yet come what will lets be cheerful _ Lets hold up our heads and be thankful that God in his mercy has spared our lives &. those of our friends. I hope to hear more cheering newes from my friends in [illegible in original] soon. Only a short time ago _ and they felt so secure in life &. Property _ and now in the midst of a most Bar- berous _ &. Inhumane [illegible in original] War. Father wrote that the Indians nailed little children by the feet – heads hanging downward – to fence posts and left them there to die. I hope Father will conclude to send his family back to Illinois _ and then dearest Girl My Sisters shall visit You &. You dear girl shall return that visit. If God in his mercy shall see fit to spare my life during this war _ dear One we shall in all probability be United soon after _ I cannot now say how soon dear Emma for you know dear girl I can not foresee events _ and I will never make you a promise _ which I will not fulfill. Oh my Own Promised Emma how happy shall we both be when our union shall be con- sumated. I will be proude of you dearest. for you are so worthy so noble &. Kind. so different from many of your sex. We will prove to our friends in Wilkinson City – that our love was true & sincere _ That we were not Coquettes _ But that we ment all we acted. Emma dear I am [illegible in original] your Mother thinks so much of me for I love her very much indeed. Darling I know my friends will love you for no one can help it after making your aquaintance. Much Loved. circumstances prevented my writing to you before. for our communication with the north was cut off for some days and after the Battle I followed Price for One week I passed over the field of Battle to day over one week had passed away _ &. yet there were many dead Rebels yet to be seen. notwithstanding they have been bussy all the time burying the dead. I must close now as the mail goes north very soon and I want you to Know that your Mark is safe Frank Goodwin has been quite sick _ has not recovered yet. My Own Darling Emma. You say the W. Girls have one of my letters. Please find out if possible who. I wrote it to. &. how they obtained it. How is your Bro. John prospering. I hope when you receive this your health will be good. Be very careful of your self dear Emma. You must not confine [you _ self?] to closely. Go all you can. Mark will not be jealous for he knows his Emma is true Write often &. long to your own. Mark [Written sideways on the left-hand side of Scan 8] Is that clerks name Sam or Ottis. If. so I think him a very good Boy. I never saw anything more