Near City Point Va August 1st 1864 Dear Nell. Yours of the 21st – 24th was received Saturday last and although I wrote you a long letter Friday I will scratch off a few lines in reply to yours. You will perceive by the taken date of this that we have again took up our old roving habits. Yes. we commenced moving yesterday afternoon you know we always do everything on Sunday. We are now halted little more than a mile from City Point and about the same distance from our camp when we were here before. I suppose you would like to know what we expect to do here. I will tell you. We ex pect. within a week to see Washington: Mind, I say we expect to see that place Our division is the only part of the corps that is here and our train the only one that left Light House Point and Mr “They Say” says that we are going to Maryland.. Large transports have lain at City Point since last Wednesday. and it is said the men and horses have belonging to one brigade have already moved shipped. The other two brigades moved in that direction, and also one brigade train. so that figuring the thing down to the closest possible figures we “make out” that we are going “somewheres” Perhaps to Maryland. perhaps to Texas. and who knows but what we may be on our way home. I dont. and if I did I dont beleive I should be in any hurry to tell.. If we do go to Maryland I'm going to rusticate among the natives a while. Im very partial to that part of this unvierse. and the eatables espec ially.. We, or rather the Lieut Command ing our company received a letter on Saturday last containing most wel come news to all of us. and. although I presume it will be no news to you I can not forbear sending it to you. The letter was from George O'Brien and in it he said he had received a letter from Billy. written by himself from the Hospitals of Richmond in which Billy said he was all right.. The ball struck him in the right temple fracturing his skull but not injuring his sight. I tell you the news was right welcome and took us all by surprise. It has always seemed as though he was not dead. but yet we could not fully reason ourselves to beleive that we should ever [illegible in original] hear from him.. but now we have hopes of seeing him again.. The weather is most awful hot, and we perhaps feel it more than any one else. having lain so long in the deep shade. There is a good breeze stirring making it be quite comfortable.. We have to go nearly a mile for water.. and nothing so very good then.. I've nothing more to write this morning besides I dont feel I very much like writing this morn ing.. I thank you very much for the long letter and lots of news contained in it. Why cant you write such oftener. Im not going to apologize for this short letter fort it is only an exceptions to prove the general rule.. My best wises for the welfare of all at home. Write soon Ever Yours Edwin R Havens