Harpers Ferry Va Sept 4th 1864 Having nothing to do this afternoon and wanting to write or talk to someone I have concluded to scratch off a few lines to you or although it was only Thursday and ^ Friday that I wrote Nell. last and but little of importance has occurred. The next day after I went to the com mand at Berryville the cavalry fell back some six or eight miles between Ripton and Charlestown and orders were sent in to have Hd Qrtrs wagons and other things usually left behind on marches. or sent to the rear in times of danger sent to the command at once and two days forage and rations were to start at daylight yesterday morning. The train ordered out for Friday left here some after noon and reached the commands about dark and just in time to find everything in readiness to move back to the front again.. They marched back to Berryville that night and yesterday morning started on again the wagons following them on the road towards Front Royal or Leesburg until nine or ten A.M. and then returned reaching camp about 3.. P.M. It seems from reports that Averill captured a large supply train of Earlys and that Early commenced falling back up the valley about the same time that Torbert commenced falling back towards Charlestown. Further reports state (and these came to me from some of whom I am intimately acquainted with. and who came from Berryville this morning) that our infantry the 8th and 19th Corps followed our infantry on their march up the valley but some ten miles in the rear. It seems that Early turned back in pursuit of Averill about the same time that Torbert started with his cavalry towards Front Royal and that an hour or so after Torbert had left Berryville Early came down the road from Winchester with a large infantry force and intercepted our infantry leaving the cavalry in his rear. Heavy fighting occurred last night soon after dark as the advance of our infantry encountered Early's force. Taking our forces by sur prise they were at first driven back beyond Berryville which Early occupied for a short time when our forces again drove him back about a mile beyond the town in which position the two armies lay at daylight this morning We have listened for the sound of cannonading this morning but have heard none. The position seems to have been all that Sheridan could ask for and if he does not use this opportunity some one will complain. It is hard to conjecture what our cavalry will do. as Gen. Torbert does not enjoy the confidence that many other commanders might: What a chance there is for interfering with their communications. If “Old Kill” or even our little boy Custer had command of the corps we would hear good accounts from them. But such men as Torbert, Merritt and Wilson do not seem capable of anything very brilliant.. Atlanta has fallen at last! and Sherman has almost outdone himself in its capture. We of course have seen only Stanton's dispatch to Gen. Dix [illegible in original] based upon Gen. Slocum's dispatch stating that Atlanta was occupied by the 20th Corps.. while the main army was on the Macon road. Everyone feels cheerful and confident that another summer's campaign will not be opened. but that next May will find war at an end.. although some if not nearly all of our army may be in the field.. It would amuse you to see the antics of the McClellan men here Some are offering to bet on his winning the race at great odds. and I heard one officer express the opinion that he would carry two thirds of the soldiers vote. It is true that a great many. perhaps a slight majority. of those who fought under him will vote for him but of the later volunteers the number of his supporters are but few. I have been much amused at some of the argu ments advanced during the last week on both sides. Such foolish ones as even Lincoln. or still better Union men advance disgust me. What is the use of all these bickerings these abuses that men of opposing parties will heap upon each other in an altercation. (You cant call it an argument. I have had an argument on the question yet and wont if I can possibly avoid it. and I believe I can. There is but little about camp worth mentioning Coming in from the front the other morning I noticed a large number of men in federal uniform apparently under guard and on inquiring of an armed soldier I learned they were conscripts. It looks rather hard to see men in blue under guard but every new hand that comes out be he volunteer or conscripts now marches between files of his brothers in arms. from recruiting depot to the com mand which he is aligned to.. The same morning a squad of soldiers stopped on Bolivar Highths to get some breakfast and built their fire on a rock. had boiled this coffee and sat around the fire eating their “frugal repast” when boom “went something” and fire coffee and everything took a rise except men who fell sprawling and received fire and coffee on their persons where it descended, It seems that in the rock was a shell which was loaded and which they did not notice and when the iron became heated through exploded.. By a lucky stroke of fortune no one was injured.. Well, what do you make out of this letter. Will it pay postage or not. I have written without feeling any heart in the work since I commenced and I do not feel that it amounts to anything But such as it is accept it with the best wishes of Ed..