[Written on left side on top of page] Nov 2nd The mail has come but no letter from you. It has been two weeks since I got your last and I don't like it pretty much Ed [End] Tuesday Eve Nov 1st/64 I thought I had finished my letter this morning. but I find I have left out a few items that I wished to put in so I take a new sheet and strike out.. Lieut Loomis received a letter a few days since from our Co. Q. M. Sergt who was taken prisoner at Buckland Mills in October a year ago. He made his escape from Anderson Ga. some time ago and had reached Washington all safe.. He sent us in telligence of Dan. Lingo. Billy O'Brien and others of our company but all with the exception of Billy's case was of not very recent date. Dan Lingo you will remember was lost in the latter part of October of last year and was undoubtedly taken prisoner by guerrillas Sergt The last seen of him by ^ Cooke he was sent to the hospital from Belle Isle. and his fate is not very encouraging to think of Billy O'Brien was removed to An derson Ga. and died in the hospital there the early part of September. So writes Sergt Cooke and his word is good.. I am very sorry to hear this for I hoped Billy would yet return alive. I have often spoken, in my letters and when at home on furlough of one Edward S Lang. a Sergt in our company. You will remember that he was taken also at Buckland Mills. and I be leive I wrote you some time ago that we had received word that he died in Belle Isle. I speak of him as he claimed to be a brother in law of Mr Stephen Snow of Fredonia N.Y. a fact I always slightly doubted as he was not always reliable But on looking over some papers in the company desk a few days ago I found a letter to the Comman der of the company written by Stephen Snow. asking for what information could be given him concerning Sergt Lang Mother will see by this that Mr Snow is still alive. I felt almost tempted to write to him and claim relationship but on second thought concluded it was better not to do it The inspection spoken of in this mornings sheet came off at the appointed time and passed off well and Col Stagg was kind enough to pay us quite a compliment on our good behavior. I witnessed to day the punishment of two men. in a manner quite common to some portions to the army, but something I had never before seen. Yesterday Lieut Loomis was Officer of the Day and discovered two men in camp engaged in gambling and immediately arrested them They had what is called a sweat board and were playing with loaded dice He delivered them over to the Brig. Officer of the Day who sent them to the Provost Marshal of the Brigade. and this morning they were paraded through the camps of the brigade, cooped. each one in an empty flour barrel which had a hole in the bottom (the top knocked entirely out) sufficient to let it slide over the head. (inverted) and rest on the shoulders. with a large piece of paste board in front with the word “Gambler” in large letters placed on the front of the barrel. In this uniform I preceded by four guards (mounted) one with a bugle and followed by two more guards they were marched through the different camps. the bugler playing through each camp. What further pun ishment they will receive I can not say. But if it was me I should'nt want to be seen in this brigade again No train has come from Winchester in five days and as we only drew three days rations and forage you can judge of our fare. We have expected the train since Sunday morning Yours truly E R Havens