Camp 7th Mich Cavalry New Buck's Ford Va. Sunday November 6th 1864 Dear Nell. I have just received and read yours of October 30th and having nothing very urgent to do at present, I have concluded to answer it immediately although I have already written you three or four letters since coming here. and this is the first time I have had a letter from you since I left Winchester more than two weeks ago. I would get mad and quit writing if I could revenge myself on any one by so doing. But it would be a greater punish ment to me to be deprived of the powers of blowing off some of my surplus gass by writing than it would be to my friends. and so as long as the government furnishes me material and time for my letters and pays me for using both. and I can make you pay postage both ways I think I will Keep on writing. whether I get any answers or not You shant forget me by any neglect of mine I don't Know but your excuse for neglecting to write for so long a time was a valid one and as all turned out well I wont say anything. My late letters which have, no doubt reached you ere this time have told you that I was already aware of Harvey Reynolds' good fortune in escap ing from a prison life so soon. but I was sur prised to hear that he had got home.. I was also well pleased to learn of it and wish that many and [illegible in original] more of our poor fellows who are “staying” ^ in the could meet with the same good fortune loathsome prison camps of the South..^ We have lost three members from our company from the effects of exposure and starvation in the prisons around Rich mond excepting poor Billy Obrien.. Nothing of importance has occurred here since my last was written. The company has. once been on picket for two days from which I was excused by my usual camp duties. When we lie in camp any length of time 1st Sergts are always excused from such duty. and as the talk now is that we will go into winter quarters as soon as possible I presume I shall see no more of picket duty till spring comes again. We shall make our winter quarters somewhere in this vicinity and the prevail ing opinion now is that our present camp will be the spot.. The ground is now very well laid off and in very good condition in case the winter should set in early and be very severe. It is quite cold. and we have had a few days of very disagreeable weather. Yesterday we had a slight snow squall. but today has been fair although cool.. We have had the usual. Sunday duties to perform. today. morning inspection and even ing parade. We had divine service at Brig. Hd Qrtrs last Sunday but none today. I then listened to a sermon from our Chaplain. for the first time. although he has been with the regiment a year.. He is a Universalist and occasionally writes for the New Coven ant which he occasionally distributes among the men. A few days since the 1st Michigan made a reconnaisance up the valley as far as Edenburg but found only a small force of rebels used as pickets. and after capturing a few head of fine cattle returned to camp. Yesterday. the Fifth went out “somewhere.” and discovered a small picket force. On returning they were followed in by a small We understand that the commissioners appointed to take our votes on Tuesday next have arrived and of course we are not disposed to grumble at it. We feel as much interest in the coming election and beleive that our work on that day will bear as strongly upon the result and speedy termination of the war as would a repetition of the glorious victories of the 19th days of September and October. We have in our company in camp twelve voters. and of this number but one vote will be cast for McClellans That is John Alexander's This is I beleive a fair standard of the force of the regiment. which numbers. nearly or quite two hundred men and about 150 voters. so that you can judge whether the Seventh is all right or not. The heaviest McClellan vote polled in the brigade will be I think among the 1st Mich. which will be accounted for from the fact that so many of them are just from the House of Correction. This is a pretty severe reflection perhaps to cast upon a regiment so noted for its valor as the “noble old 1st.” but in a new battalion of four companies raised last fall and winter one entire company was taken from the House of Correction I notice a new stand of colors at Brig. Hd Qrtrs today. the first I have seen of them. They consist of a flag some three feet in width and three and a half in length. made of red and blue silk.. the middle of it is of red silk the two edges of dark blue. On the red are the cross sabres in white. I have not been close enough to know whether the names of the battles fought by our brigade are upon it or not. but such is the usual custom and. I presume it is so in this case. Today the 25th N Y. cavalry which was dismounted some month since and sent to the rear returned here today and report says more than a thousand strong.. This will make our brigade quite strong again. and when we get into winter quarters and our “Bummers” get into from dismoun ted camps and Hospitals we shall present quite a good appearance on the reviews and inspections of next winter. We do not think we are done fighting for this fall. but that we will not attempt an advance from our present position everyone beleives.. The government has abandoned the idea of rebuilding the Manassas Gap R.R. and making Front Royal our depot for supplies and is now repairing the branch road from Harper's Ferry to Winchester and will make the latter place our base of supplies and we hope within a month to better quartered. better clothed and better fed than we now are.