November 8th 1864 I did not get an opportunity yes terday morningt to mail my letter. and so will add an Appendix. The reason that I got no chance to send away my mail was. that yesterday morning at 3. O'clock we were waked from our peaceful slumbers by the hoarse notes of our bugle calling us to reveillie. and of course. we knew there was “something up. Of course all sorts of reports were immediately circulated such as “going to Winchester to guard train through” “going to Michigan for sixty days” “going on a “streak of nonsense” “(as the boys call it”) and various other reports equally as sensible and got up for the occasion. Well, we found we were off on a “streak of nonsense” and started at daylight our regiment and 100 men from the “Sixth” under command of Major Darling of our regi ment.. We took the same old route of the First and Fifth a few days before and the result was about the same.. We found a rebel picket line about half way between Woodstock and Edinburgh and after sending out scouts in different directions returned without exchang ing any shots.. and reached camp again at seven last night. The object, no doubt, was to ascertain if the “Johnnies” were likely to come up to election to day.. and the information obtained was I presume satisfactory.. It was a hard days march. the distance being about 21 miles and was made without dismount ing but twice and then for not more than five min utes each time.. yet I enjoyed it very well. We passed through Strasburg. Old Town. and Woodstock. all I of which I have felt a great desire to see. and having seen them shall not feel very sorry if I never see them again. Strasburg is certainly the worst looking town that I ever saw. even in Virginia. It is about as large as Berrien and does not contain three buildings that deserve the name. unless it be one barn. The houses are mostly old log concerns. sided up with clapboards and are just about ready to tumble down. The people that we saw corresponded in appearance with the buildings The men clad in the dirty butternut suit of the south stood at the corners of the buildings the “oldish” women with their babies in the windows and the younger ladies stood by the doors sucking their thumbs as we passed. through the town. and I was so disgusted that I did not feel right again till we passed through Woodstock on our return Old Town is not worth a description even if one could give it A few straggling dwelling houses. on the right hand side of the pike as you go up the valley is all there is of it. Woodstock is about the same size as Strasburg and a very pretty place. The buildings are quite pretty. i.e the majority. It contains a Court House. jail two churches two hotels. one. a very large one. and did contain some few manufacturing establishments which have been burned.. The usual number of old men. women and little children stood in the streets. to see us as we passed. through Nov 9th Just as I finished the last line yes terday “Boots & Saddles” blew at brigade Hd Qrtrs and of course I had to quit letter writing. I do not Know the occasion but a current report is that a column of rebels were seen advancing towards our lines. We did not leave camp however although everything was packed up; but at sundown we received orders to unpack unsaddle and go into camp again. Everything was quiet through the night and we were preparing for a review and inspection this morning when orders came to have everything in readiness so that we could move in 30 min utes should we receive the orders to do so. and we are now waiting for those orders. My description of Mondays scout must now be de ferred to some future time. The election passed off well and the vote of our regiment stood 112 for Lincoln and the Union and 40 for McClellan and ___ what, I am ashamed that so many [illegible in original] voted for Mc but so it was Great difficulty was found in procuring tickets. Some counties and districts had no tickets whatever. From the first district of our county. Niles City. township. and Berrien Township no tickets could be obtained and as I did not Know the candidate for representative in legislature I was somewhat puzzled how to vote Tickets for Buchanan were plenty enough but I couldnt vote there. By dint of hand work I managed to find a Royalton Ticket and shoved it in. McClellan tickets were scarce and the four that could be found were blank with the exception of Presidential electors and Governor and State officers and precious few of the men knew the names of the candidates from their counties and districts (I could not find one for Berrien County) and the men were forced to put in their tickets in blank. Something was loose somewhere's I wanted to see every man vote some ticket or other and blame some one who did'nt furnish the tickets. If people at home don't feel interested enough in the vote of the soldiers to furnish them with tickets by some means or other they don't deserve the soldiers support.. Well the election is over and by tonight the people at home will Know the general result and realize either their hopes or their fears. and the war is either nearer to or farther from its end than it was Monday night. But I must close. As Ever Yours Ed