[Penciled in on top of Scan 1 – Nov-15-64] Moseby was reported to have been at Point of Rocks with Fifteen Hundred men. and we are trying to be ready to give him a good, warm welcome when he does come. I do not Know what object he can have in view in charging into such a camp as we have here. There may be a few horses some where for him to capture but if that is his aim he will avoid getting into the “crowd” after them I feel but little anxiety concerning his doings. but think that if he does come in here some night it will be a chance that some one does'nt get hurt.. The election is over and I suppose you are well acquainted with the result. as for me I Know but little about. A paper that some one obtained yesterday morning at Martinsburg stated that Lincoln had 205 electoral votes and McClellan 21.. If this is true the election of Lincoln is certain beyond a doubt.. I hope this is so. and feel certain that the election is sure enough even if its not quite so big. The vote of our brigade stood thus Total number poled 861. For Lincoln 597 For McC. 264 Lincolns Majority 333 Nov. 15th My candle gave out just as I finished the last page last night and it not being any too comfortable sitting up with the smoke blowing in my face I concluded to go to bed and accordingly turned in. Yesterdays New York Herald received this morning gives us an account of cavalry fights in the valley above Winchester Friday and Saturday in which our cavalry drove through and beyond Front Royal capturing 2 guns. 150 prisoners and several wagons and horses. So it goes! the poor grey backs cannot bring any artillery into the Valley but what Little Phil. “goes for it” or sends. Custer Merritt. or Powell after it and in it comes. Phil's requisition is good for anything and whatever he wants he invariably gets. Rumors of fight ing out there yesterday reached us last night. but I heard no particulars. The weather is still cold as Greenland and last night it tried to snow a little but gave it up as being too cold. This morning it tried to again but gave up in disgust. Your letter of Oct 15th came to hand on Friday last after having been down to the army of the Potomac to the 2nd Corps where our 7th Inf is. I was well pleased with its contents and think it about time for the next one to make its appearance Don't delay the thing any. It's going to be awful dull here and I shall want all the letters I can get to make times lively. Write soon and beleive me as ever Your Affectionate Brother Edwin R Havens