Camp Russell Va February 2nd /65 Dear Nell, You have not written me since I left home at least. I judge so. as I have received. no letter yet. I wrote you one night last week. but feeling as though there were some few things I wanted to say I have seized my pen to scratch them off I dont Know exactly where to begin but will rattle away and let them come as they will. I think it was Friday (or was it Saturday?) ere that I wrote you. At any rate since Monday we have had very warm spring like weather. and we are now up to our eyes in mud. Very Agreeable I assure you I got so demoralized while at home that I could not take hold of business for several days and even now I take but little heart in the work. Dont think that I am home sick. or regret that I came home. for such an inference would be far from right I never felt more contented in my whole experience as a soldier than I do at the present time and would risk another such trip to morrow if the chance were offered me. We drill a little every day. usually in the fore noon. Sit in our tents the rest of the time and stow away our rations in our “bread baskets” to Keep them from spoiling “Hard Tack and Sow Belly” taste better than ever. yet if I had a plate of Mothers warm biscuit. and butter and some of Mrs Jarvis Maple syrup I think I could stow away a peck or more altho tis scarcely an hour since I ate a loaf of bread a pound of hard tack and a pint of currant sauce.. I have nt got much of an appetite. But while we are speaking about “wittle” and the like just let me whisper in your ear. that if you want to help the “suffering soldier” very bad there is a couple of em about as big as Billy Graham and myself that would'n't object to releiving some of those “well to do” people at home of some of their “wittles Im sorry that I did not Know while at home that I could have things sent by express to Winchester. then I could have saved you any trouble this will make you But if it will be too much trouble to you. dont send any thing now. I want you to charge all expenses to my account.. A Box or bundle addressed to me. at the Co. and Regt 1st Brig. 1st Cav. Div. Army of the Shenandoah. will be brought right to our camp costing me no trouble whatever. I've only one special request to make. that is I want some tea. Dont send any pies, cakes, etc. as every box is opened before reaching here and searched for liquors and other contraband articles Such things are not contraband. but are very convenient to take as Custom House duties.. Butter, should you choose to send any, should be put up in a can or a part of that might easily be taken as toll.. Gen Sheridan notwith standing the numerous re ports concerning him still remains with us. Yesterday he reviewed our whole Cavalry Corps near Winchester.. It must have been a splendid sight to the spec tators of whom there was a great number. with a “right Smart” sprinKling of ladies. Such things are not contraband. but are very convenient to take as Custom House duties.. Butter, should you choose to send any, should be put up in a can or a part of that might easily be taken as toll.. Gen Sheridan notwith standing the numerous re ports concerning him still remains with us. Yesterday he reviewed our whole Cavalry Corps near Winchester.. It must have been a splendid sight to the spec tators of whom there was a great number. with a “right Smart” sprinKling of ladies. Nell. I'm counting the days between this and Oct 13th and. made a rough estimate (or commenced to) of my labors. for the coming eight months and ten days. I figured it down to 250 days I had to serve U.S. yet and found that I had just 230 lbs of Hard Tack to eat. which so appalled me that it KnocKed all the mathemat ics out of my head and I stopped. I saw Sim Step hens the other day and gave him the box his mother sent him. but have had no chance to see Allison Edwards yet. We have had some sleighing until day before yesterday but it has all “slid off” now Sleighriding was all the Nell. I'm counting the days between this and Oct 13th and. made a rough estimate (or commenced to) of my labors. for the coming eight months and ten days. I figured it down to 250 days I had to serve U.S. yet and found that I had just 230 lbs of Hard Tack to eat. which so appalled me that it KnocKed all the mathemat ics out of my head and I stopped. I saw Sim Step hens the other day and gave him the box his mother sent him. but have had no chance to see Allison Edwards yet. We have had some sleighing until day before yesterday but it has all “slid off” now Sleighriding was all the