Camp Russell Va February 21st /65 Dear Nell: Again I am at my old business. writing letters. I received yours of the 12th last night. but did not think I would answer so soon as I wrote you on Sunday but really I feel too good just now to hold my peace and I will write. Such news as we have received yesterday and to night is too good to enjoy alone. but I pre sume that you know it all as well as myself. Yesterday the news of the capture of Columbia was received by signal at Div. Hd Qrtrs and immediately was made known to the command by being read to each regiment on parade. Well. did'n't we “holler” I reckon we did “right smart” I cheered then as I never did before. and thought I never would again, but to night at “Tattoo” the Official Despatch from Sheridan was read announcing the fall of Charleston and we “hollered” again. Cheered loud and long. I cheered as hard as I knew how. stretched my voice to its utmost power and I guess every body else did the same. for such a yell I never heard in my life It fairly shook the ground Just now I heard the 6th cheering and it will go through the entire army A salute was fired yester day in honor of the capture of Columbia and I presume that Charleston will be sim ilarly honored tomorrow.. Thunder Well. what can I say. I want to say something about the “Old Flag” waving over Sumters shattered walls once more. but cant think of any thing. But as the boys say, “Cant you let her wave” I can. and give three cheers Hip! Hip! Hurrah! Hurrah Hurrah: Tiger. Yeeeeell (Rising Inflection on that last!) Well there was something new in your letter and some that “warnt” I am darned glad that Hank has enlisted but think George and Jim. thundering fools. And so you dare to impeach my veracity and make allowance for my assertions. so as to bring them down to “middling” do you Pretty way I think; when I feel a fellow cant tell the truth and be beleived: Well there is one conso lation I shan't tell you her name and if she was a dozen cousins to me I would n't let her be a twelfth part of a one to you till you retracted what you said concern ing my character for veracity Well this is long enough for the present.. Some poor wretch is torturing a poor devil of a fiddle in the next tent to make it produce Arkansas Traveller Money Musk Opera Reel. and Jordan Am a hard road to Trabbel. and my nerves are completely unstrung. my fingers want to dance Polkers. Jigs. Devils Dreams and sundry other things while I want to just get up and yell. Hurrah. for everybody Hurrah! Yours Ed