Hd. Quarters Camp Remount Near City Point Va April 19th 1865 Dear Nell. Yours of April 6th came to hand this evening brought from the regiment by an officer who paid it a visit and returned today.. and toda tonight I will try to answer it.. the cavalry is now in camp some two miles beyond Petersburg and it is expected that they will remain there to recruit and repair until their services are needed else where and about day after tomorrow I hope to join them. I was never so homesick in my life. and know of nothing that will do me as much good as a sight of the old regiment.. I do not think it worth my time to enumerate any items of news. that is. of general news. as they reach you as soon as they do me and in my semi occasional notes I have told you what I thought of events up to the time of the horrible and tragic death of our loved President The event struck a chill of horror through every one here and no one could find words sufficient to express the deep emotions. caused by its announcement The people of the south feel that their loss in his death is as great as is those of the north. Citizens and soldiers alike express the same sentiments Yesterday having but little or nothing to do I procured a pass and in a company with a friend went to Petersburg. We concluded to take the railroad as the most speedy mode of conveyance and were fortunate enough to obtain a seat on the same train with Gen. Sheridan who having spent a few trains days at City Point was going to Petersburg to join the cavalry. I took a very prominent seat on the front end of the top of the front car and a good strong wind blowing directly in our faces the rascally fire men took great delight in punching up the fire and making the smoke. cinders and steam so that our faces caught it all. Just as we entered Peters burg “Little Phil” attempted to perform a great strategetic movement. and [“geeing”?] his car out tried to run by us, but he soon found himself “bunt” up against a post which put a stop to his farther progress in that direction. We found much to admire in Peters burg. It bears the name of the Cockade City and deserves it in my opinion. It covers an area of nearly four miles square as well laid out and nicely built I saw a great many rich and beautiful mansions on some of its suburban streets. The town was very quiet and but for the stores and public business buildings being open and an occa sional sentry slowly pacing his beat. I should have imagined myself in some northern city on Sunday.. We called on a family where my comrade had visited before and found the lady very sociable and interesting and spent an hour or more very pleasantly. She could talk a perfect stream ble and was well informed and it was almost impossi^ to get away from here The town was full of “Johnny's” at home on parole all seeming joyful and happy All that we talked with expressed great satisfac at the conduct of our troops since they had been there. I was amused at the answer given by an old negro woman whom we asked how she liked the Yanks. “O!” says. she. “they are brave boys. valiant boys. United States boys. dey never undertake any ting widout. dey go trou. wid it.” Several citizens have opened their stores then and are doing a thriving business. and I felt that I was in a civilized place once more. We returned to camp about dark and I felt that I had been repaid for my [tramp?].. Now I would like to visit Richmond but no soldiers are allowed to go there unless on business under orders and I guess that I'll have to take it out in [wanting?] But as its getting bedtime and I've got a big job on hand tomorrow I guess that I'll quit writing for this time. Hoping this will find all unscathed by the small pox and all the other ills incident to human flesh and meet with a speedy answer I remain Fraternally Yours E R Havens A long life and a happy one to our friends who are contemplating entering the state of matrimony is the wish of Ed..