Soldiers Rest Washington D.C. May 31st 1865 Well Nell we are in Wash ington once more. safe and sound Arrived here last night at sun set having resumed our journey Sunday A.M. The remainder of the trip was a very pleasant one [illegible in original] barring the length and attendant wearying effects. We expected to find the brigade near Alexandria, and our jour ney at an end but alas for the fulfillment of all mortal hopes and expectations we [fired?] our journey but just began and the brigade for on its way to the west. St Louis must be reached before we can rest again and within a day or two we shall “take up our beds and march.” If I am fortunate enough to read the command papers the commence action opera tions in their new field I may see a goodly portion of the “far west” before seeing Michigan again. yet I can not say that I am particularly well pleased with the new phase of things. but yet again Ive seen worse pills than this to swallow and if this is the worst thing I see during the next year I guess I shall be able to survive to the last. The most I dread now is the journey which will be slow and tedious at the best. The brigade left here immediately after the close of the review a week ago My analysis of the affair amounts to just this. Custer has been appointed to the command of a depart ment consisting of the two states of Missouri and Arkan sas and wishing good reliable ed men to assist him has prevail^ on the War Department to give him his old Brigade and “here we go.” We shall probably take the Balt & Ohio R R. to Wheeling thence by boat to St Louis. We may possibly go by rail a great part of the way yet I doubt it. Well this is the substance of my experience since the date of my last communi cation and I will close. Harvey Reynolds is in the Hospital a short distance from here sick with St Anthony's dance in one side. I have not seen him yet. but hope to get an opportunity. before I leave here. I would advise you to desist writing more until I can give you the necessary address. You may also advise all my correspondents of the change Love to all Your Brother E.R. Havens