Fort Leavenworth Ks June 24th 1865 Dear Nell We're off today for the plains. The command consisting of the 7th and two companies of the 1st have already gone and seven of our bummers are waiting here to muster in as Lieuts and will probably not take them tonight or tomorrow sometime.. We have been now four days on this business and have been put off from day to day till now. The command is bound for Julesburg. Colorado territory. or beyond seven hundred miles from here and I tell you we are expecting a huge old march across the plains this hot weather. chasing the “red skins.” buffaloes, wild horses. and all the four footed brutes that run. We shall get away from here about 2 P.M. then a trip to Leavenworth City and then off for the plains Shall write as often as circumstances will permit Have several things I would like to write but have no time now. Received letters from Lucy Ann and Helen a day or two ago which will receive atten tion at an early moment. Give them my love. also remember me to Irenus M G. when you write and tell them to write me. Write often and direct to Fort Leavenworth Kas Edwin R Havens