[Written on top left hand side of Scan 1] We hear. they are going to issue two squaws to each officer after we get settled. Our darkey thinks he does'n't want any. as one old squaw that he saw yesterday had 25 children all of a [illegible in original] calling her “Ma” and thinks he could'n't support a woman that had more than one child at a time and these have six or eight. I have'n't any such scruples however [End] Camp Seventh Michigan Cavalry Fort Collins C.F. July 28th 1865 Dear Nell I have not written you since leaving Julseburg. and did not intend to commit such an act again until I had received an answer to some one of the half dozen or more letters I have written since leaving Fort Leavenworth.. but on arriving here and finding no mail awaiting us and being compelled to still continue our “onward march” I thought it best to write you a few lines and give you orders to direct your letters in future. “until further orders” to “Fort Collins” Colorado Territory. Here we commence entering upon our duties. We are to be divided up in small detachments and stationed at diffirent points along this route to Sulphur Spring 210 miles west of here.. Two companies are to remain here. Our company is to commence leaving men soon after leaving here. I shall probably be stationed 30 or 40 miles from here. but whether with my Captain or not I can not say. Four more companies go to Fort Halleck. 125 miles from here near the “snowy mountains” where they have snow. fish. flesh and fowl in abundance the year round. (By the way I have just learned that I am going with Captain Clark to Virginia Dale 13 miles from here. “am'n't I glad I'm out of the wilderness”) Almost every one wanted to get stationed here but for my part I cared nothing about it. whether I remained here or went to the furthless limit of the route. Our route march from Julesburg was along the banks of the South Platte to Cary and Holman's Ferry near the mouth of the Cache le. Pourdr (“K shlass” as a chap told me) creek when we crossed the train on ferry boats and the cavalry forded it then followed the Cache le Pourdr to this point. The march was dull and monotonous with nothing of general interest occurring. The country along the Platte was much the same as we had found since leaving Kearney. and it was not until we reached [illegible in original] Orchard that we camped near timber enough to build a fire of seventeen days after leaving the Little Blue the longest time I was ever away from timber and I tell you it releived my aching sight mightily. A day or two after leaving Julesburg Lieut Clark and myself took two men, with the permission of the Major Commanding and went “hunting” The men took “seven shooters” and we our revolvers. I, not dreaming for an instant that I should see anything worth carrying a carbine for.. Striking out of into the country two or three miles from the trail we wandered around an hour or two without seeing anything bigger than a jack rabbitt. when we struck a “Galvanized dough boy.” (a rebel prisoner who has enlisted into our army) who told us that if we would go back eight or ten miles into the prarie we would find antelopes in troves. As we were all well mounted and knew that we could easily over take the command before night we “lit out” and on ascending a little hill some six or seven miles from the route, we looked down into a little valley almost circular in form and half a mile in diameter and sure enough there they were. About 30 of them with their white tails laid on their backs and scudding before the wind like a full rigged ship. We got several shots and got empty guns every time We wandered through the prarie for some four hours during which time we saw at the smallest calculation 200 of the “little critters” I want nothing of the country along the Platte.. Back from the river it consists of valleys and hills. hills and valleys. some of them covered with rank “Buffalo Grass” some with “California Sunflowers” Daisies Pinks Prarie roses and some with nothing but buffalo bones. This Creek is one of the most beautiful streams that I ever knew the water clear. cold and sweet. the banks low. well covered with timber and flats or meadows covered with the most luxurious grass and richer than mud. There are a large number of farmers who raise large crops of grain and make money as easy as dirt. We are now about ten miles from the base of the Meridian Bow. Mountains.. and have been in sight of them for three or four days. Longs Peak. and the tops of the Rocky Mountains have been in sight. but all with the exception of Longs Peak are now hidden by the Meridian Bow. range. The country here is more than usually level and we can look eastward. north and south. till our eyes become tired We have seen a few squaws. the Indians are off on a hunt. Yesterday we passed near a village of some 18 – or 20 lodges and some 10 or 15 squaws were out visiting a train that had halted for dinner nearby. Some of them were dressed quite modestly and as they sat perfectly still presented a very good appearance. One little wretch some 14 or 15 miles years old was dressed in a blue denims shirt that reached to her thighs without sleeves. breeches or drawers.. It was strongly reminded me of the shirt that Melissa made me and put a “crupper” on it. as it was fastened at the bottom in a similar manner. As usual you have my best wishes and may write as you see fit Your Brother Ed