Near Nashville Tenn Dec 6th, 1862 Dear Friend Ed, Yours of the 29th Ult. came to hand last evening, and was heartily welcomes, as it always pleases me to learn of your welfare. Since I wrote to you last we have had quite a skirmish. On the morning of the 27th last month, our Brigade was ordered out on a reconnaissance, and had proceeded out one mile beyond our pickets, when our [a]dvance guard came to their outposts, when the butternuts fired and fell back to their reserve. We followed closely, marching in line, firing a volley whenever an opportunity presented itself. Thus we drove them three miles, to Lavergne, where they had a Brigade stationed, and seemed determined to dispute our further advance. Here the Artillery practice became quite lively and lasted about two hours and Regiment, the 30th Ind, and 77th Penn steadily advanced on the left of the pike while the other Regts supported our Battery. Our company, with one from each of the other Regiments were thrown forward as skirmishers, and you can guess we had fun with the ragged devils. We would exchange shots with them until they would begin to skulk off, then the boys would raise a shout, and take after them. Thus we progressed until we reached a cedar wood. Just to the left of the town, being suspicious of some trap here we advanced very cautiously until about half way through when we could see their reserve coming up, pretty soon they began to advance on double quick, and yelling like demons, our skirmishers Just stepped behind trees and let them come within range, when our boys opened fire on them, causing them to halt as suddenly as if met by an Earthquake. You can imagine how warm the work was at this point, but our three Companies of skirmishers held their ground without the aid of our reserve, they not getting a change to fire a gun. In a short time they rebs began to fall back again seeing which our boys thought their time had come and immediately raised a shout that fairly made the woods ring and started in persuit, the way secesh blankets, and coats flew, was'nt slow. I tell you Ed they are good runners. we persued them two miles beyond town, and then gave up the chase. Only two of our Co. were wounded, I escaped without a scratch. I wished you were along to enjoy the fun. Your as ever Rene