They said that there were about 80 men there who came in in small parties remaining until Thursday forenoon when they left to join their regiments.. The most of them had horses branded “U.S.” and U.S. saddles and bridles.. they said they had stolen them from our very camps. coming in on foot and taking them off.. While passing through Warrenton citi zens, apparently, came out and joined them. and all told them that they were good loyal citizens when we were lucky enough to find them at home. but as soon as our backs were turned they were southern soldiers. We can not expect to whip them until we take every citizen and confine him in Fort La Fayette or some other prison and keep them until the war is over. even if we have to extended our penitentiaries or turn our civil convicts loose.. or a still better though more cruel way would be to shoot every man we find. for I do not beleive there is a truly loyal hearted citizen in Eastern Virginia.. We wanted to burn the house where our men were wounded but because a few good looking women happened to live there Col Mann would not allow us to do so, and even interceded and saved it. when Col.. De. Forrest. commanding this brigade had commanded his men to burn it.. A wound given to a Union soldier from a private house should be revenged with fire and blood.. Not an aristocratic house in all Virginia should be left standing for they are all owned by men who are either rebel soldiers or have one or two sons in the rebel army.. We have heard nothing more from Hooker since Sunday last.. We hear a little from the west and I like the plan of operations in the middle and western depart ments much better than here.. They do not beleive in fighting an enemy unless they hurt him in some way or other.. But among some of our leaders there appears to be a temerity and fear of hurting some one if they shoot or burn any thing.. We did capture two horses Tuesday. and are now using them in our company. But Thursday they would not allow us to take a ham from the smoke house Where they were plenty even though we have been on half rations for a week.. But its for only 3 years or during the war. and when that is over there will be better times.. I do not know how long we shall remain here. Tomorrow is Sunday and we have lain still since Tuesday without having even been on “picket” and I would not be in the least surprised if we pulled out for some new place ere long.. We have two days rations for our horses still on hand and will draw some more for the men to night.. We had Dress Parade last night. the first time since leaving Washington which was for the purpose of reading orders. Genl special and regimental